Sea of Stars - Giomis

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"You'll be gone for how long?"

Mista sat on the edge of he and Giorno's bed, watching the blonde pack his bag. The Don had been called down to Florida on "family business". It had come as a surprise to both of them, Giorno having any family left. Apparently, it was a distant relative, er, relatives, who needed his help. Giorno smiled, taking a break from packing to sit next to his husband.

"Only a week, Guido, I'll be fine. Promise."

The man sighed, wrapping an arm around Giorno's shoulders and moving so that they were propped against the headboard. The blonde sighed softly, turning and burying his head in Guido's shoulder, a small smile pulling on his rosy lips.

"I still don't like this. I mean, if they knew you existed, and you're family, why didn't they try to contact you sooner?"

Giorno hummed, thinking for a minute.

"Well, they are distant relatives... I guess they just never thought about it?"

Okay, now that sounded bad. Mista sighed, shaking his head. He knew that Giorno was more than capable of taking care of himself, he had GER afterall, but he still worried about him. They were married. It was his job to worry about the blonde.

"Even so," he pulled Giorno up so he was sitting on the Italian's lap, "please, be careful, mio piccola coccinella."

Giorno giggled at the pet name, placing a quick kiss on his husband's nose before getting up to finish packing.

"I will, don't worry, idiota."

The sky was dark and bright at the same time. Day and night clashing. A sea of stars, swirls, and other un-natural shapes.

Giorno took a deep breath, pulling his phone out, dialing his husband without even looking down. 3 rings. That's what it usually took for the gunman to answer, a bright cheery voice saying his name. It would always fill the blonde with happiness. So, of course, he was surprised when he immediately heard Guido's voice.

"Hey, coccinella, you're uh, you're seeing this right?"

The tremble in Guido's voice wasn't missed by Giorno. His heart dropped and he let out a dry, nervous laugh.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, caro."

Silence. That scared him more than a scream or gunshot or anything else every could. Especially coming from his husband. After a moment, and Giorno's heart dropping even more, the silence was broken.

"Looks like your stay in Florida just became permanent, huh?" He let out a bitter laugh, trying to hold back his tears. The last thing he wanted right now was to panic Giorno.

Tears streamed down Giorno's face as he cried freely. In his heart, he knew it was the end. For them. For everyone. He watched, wide-eyed, as the sky opened. A rift opening. He had to say it. Tell Guido he loved him. One last time.

"Hey, uh, GioGio? I love you. Like, really love you, you know?"

There it was, the tears. Guido was almost sobbing now. He also knew it was the end, of everything. Giorno took in a shaky breath, watching as a bright light flashed in the sky, coming right towards him.

"I love you too, Guido."

Sea of Stars - GiomisWhere stories live. Discover now