The Return...

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HEY! I have returned! Hope has returned! I have spent 3 months trying to perfect my writing... And now on the 1 year anniversary of this story is here... I remember fondly about this story... Anyway, let's get to it.

Rey woke up in her chambers. She sat up and rubbed her hair... It was the day of the ceremony. A servant walked into her room.

"Good morning lady Rey, today is a very important day for you, Resistance general Poe Dameron is here my lady."

Rey smiled.

"Then let's go meet him, is Finn alright?"

"Yes he is quite alright, the Bacta tanks worked marvelously on him. Now come my lady we must prepare you for your coronation."

A scene was shown... Rey was dressed in royal robes, she was in a white gown, it was tapered to her exact fit, it allowed her to fight in it too with precision slits for the legs to move freely. Then a cloak was put on her, a black cape with a red inside. Then the maids put makeup on her face, drawing her eyelashes out and pinkening her cheeks just a little. Rey walked out of her quarters with glamor, keeping her chin up... All those nights in the Jakku desert paid off.

She walked as guards formed on her sides. Admiral Palleon was at the doors. 

"Good morning Lady Rey... We have much o discuss. But you must be eager to reunite with your friend General Dameron of the resistance, I assure you that we are not the first order, you can do as you please, we will be waiting for you in the control room."

"Thank you, Admiral."

"Always at your service my lady." The Admiral bowed and strolled off.

Rey walked towards the landing platform where Poe was. Poe walked towards her, a giant smile on his face as he was talking with Finn, who also walked towards her.

"Hey, Rey!" Poe shouted as he hugged her.

"Hey, Poe!" 

"So I heard that you were going to be Empress, I assume you're going to let us be your advisers?" Poe joked.

"That sounds correct, finally we can build a new government, one that will not oppress the people."

"Sounds diplomatic, I don't do diplomacy very much, but you can send me to squash what remains of the First Order or the Final Order."

"Well first we have to know their whereabouts, I don't know if you were informed but somehow General Grevious is alive, and there's a new Sith Lord in town so we need to be careful."

Poe noticed that Rey wasn't carrying Skywalker's lightsaber anymore. She was carrying three, her own and 2 other ones. The 2 other ones were symmetrical, they looked sleek and beautiful. Rey motioned for them to follow her.


Ben looked across the abyss of water, Jack walked up to him.

"So, mate... I know why a man looks at the water like that, you want to come home to somebody, do tell me." Ben rolled his eyes.

"Her name is Rey... Rey and I had something really special... And now that I've been separated from her, I miss her. I sacrificed my life to save Rey, it was something I did because after so many that I slaughtered, I wanted to silence the cries I heard every night when I went to sleep... So I died. And now I'm here with strangers I don't know."

"Well mate, I think you'd better buckle up, we're on a ridge."

Jack pointed to the end of the water, Kylo looked left and right, he saw nothing but pure drop. Barbossa walked towards the wheel, his pegleg clicking on the floorboards.

"Brace yourselves mates! To the depths, we go! HAHAHA!" Barbossa laughed maniacally. Krennic walked up the stairs, nearly tripping he grabbed Barbossa.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" He yelled.

"HA! Afraid to get wet!" Barbossa snarked.

"Where even are we?" Han Solo told him.

"We're nice and lost! I stopped following the map and followed my heart!"

"What?!" Han shouted.

"To find the world between worlds you must be lost, you have to be lost in order to get to the place that can't be found."

"STATIONS EVERYONE!" Ben shouted the men on the boat got up. Tony woke up next to Nat. They ran up the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tony asked.

"Well, Mr. Stark... We're going to the world between worlds... A place that cannot be found by a map, we must take the plunge of faith!" Barbossa told them.

"You better hang on to something," Jack told them. Ben growled and hanged on to the railing.

They were at the edge of a large drop... The pitch-black abyss almost welcomed them in.

"HOLY KRIFF!" Han shouted as he hanged onto a rope.

"We are in the face of losing it all! But we must take the leap into the dangerous unknown! STRAIGHT AND THROUGH!" Barbossa shouted.

The boat slowly fell off the waterfall. Tony braced himself as the air around him picked up speed. Barbossa laughed maniacally as they fell into the abyss...


The big ceremony was held in the repurposed Senate building. There was a large regal throne. There were red royal guards next to the throne and several high command military leaders.

"Greetings Lady Rey, I am the Duke of Norfolk, I will be coronating you," The old man said, he was dressed in regal clothing, his rank insignia on his chest.  Aiguillettes hanging from both of his shoulders. Rey stood in front of a roaring crowd. The crowd silenced as the Duke of Norfolk spoke up, unrolling a paper and reading from it.

"His Majesty the Emperor, has been pleased by Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of the Realm bearing the date the 22nd of the year 8012. To give and to grant unto her royal highness the Duchess of Jakku, the style and titular dignity of an Empress of the United Kingdom of  The New Republic and the Outer Rim."

Rey walked up the red carpet towards her seat. She walked towards Admirals Palleon and Hadolf, The Duke of Norfolk was also there.

"The Duchess of Jakku or Rey Palpatine shall henceforth be known as Her Majesty, Empress Palpatine, Duchess of Curoscant and Naboo, Ruler of the galaxy from the Outer Rim to the Core worlds. I present to you! Your Majesty the Queen, Rey Palpatine!"

The crowd rejoiced and cheered as the Duke of Norfolk placed a blue band around her torso, putting a pin on the band, it was of a dove. Then Admiral Palleon picked up a sword in its sheath, he put it on Rey too. 

Then Admiral Hadolf put various medals on her blue band. He then gave her a scepter in her hand. Admiral Palleon opened a box and put a ring on her finger, the ring glowed red. Finally, the Duke of Norfolk took a crown, it had little chains that adorned the forehead, it was a tiara, it was made of gold with rubies encrusted into the front. The Duke of Norfolk carefully set it on her head.

Everyone backed away as Rey sat on the throne, everyone bowed their heads. Those who were close enough kneeled.

"All hail this Sage Lady, whom a grateful Galaxy hath blessed... Not moving... Not Breathing... Our very own goddess. Glorious Empress Palpatine... Forgetting Rey of Jakku now. Now only Rey Palpatine. Yes."

Rey sat on the throne all were bowing to her, she felt special for the first time in her life. She wasn't a scavenger now. She was ruling the entire galaxy. She smiled a full smile for the first time since Ben had died.


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