I sat back down next to Niall and leaned back against the pillows. I started to peel the banana very slowly. All conversation had stopped and the boys seemed very interested in watching me. It looked like Harry wasn't the only who was getting a kick out of it. Once the banana was completely peeled, I took a bite out of it. I made eye contact with Harry as I did this which caused him to shuffle a little bit in his seat. 

"Can I help you guys?"  I asked all of them, "Or are you just going to stare at me while I eat?"

"We're just gonna stare at you,"  Niall smirked.

Those boys were something else.

  Nothing else really happened that day. At about eleven o'clock we decided to go to sleep in our bunks which were surprisingly very comfortable. I woke up the next morning and opened the curtain to my bunk. I realized that the boys' curtains were all opened and their bunks empty. So I checked my phone and saw that it was nine-thirty. That meant we still had about twelve hours left before we arrived at the hotel. I groaned at the realization as I got up and grabbed my backpack. I put on my glasses and grabbed my toiletry bag so I could go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and everything. When I entered the lounge area the boys were already in there talking.

"Morning princess,"  Niall chirped.

I managed to grumble some sort of noise in response. I was never much of a morning person, but I'd have to get used to it. On my way to the bathroom I set my phone down on the table in front of the couches. 

When I was in the bathroom I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair a little bit and took my daily vitamins. I decided to just stay in my oversized shirt and pajama shorts until we were closer to the hotel. I was almost done in the bathroom when I heard an alarm going off from my phone. Oh no, my birth control reminder.

"I'll get that alarm for you princess,"  Niall yelled from outside the bathroom.

"No it's ok Niall! I'll be out in a second,"  I yelled back, trying to spare myself the potential embarrassment. I rushed out of the bathroom but Niall had already picked up my phone and looked at the title of the alarm. He chuckled a little before showing Harry who was sitting next to him. Harry looked up and gave me a very forced look of shock.

"Jade Woods,"  he said, "Are you having unprotected sex?"

Louis and Liam both gave him a confused glance so Niall showed them my phone screen.

"No I'm not. Niall! Give me that back,"  I demand, snatching my phone from his grasp, "And it's none of your business."

"We just want you to be safe,"  Niall said with a fake tone of concern.

"Shut up,"  I scoffed before storming back into the bathroom.

After taking my pills I gathered my things off of the counter and put them back in the bag so I could take it back to my bunk. I opened the door to the bathroom and tried to walk as fast as I could towards the door that led back to the sleeping area. But I wasn't quick enough.

"Did you take your pill beautiful?"  Harry laughed.

"Harry please be quiet,"  I mumbled.

"I'm just making sure."

"I took it, ok? Now will you please stop."

Before he even responded I was already back in my bunk. Their teasing was really starting to get on my nerves. But at the same time I weirdly enjoyed it.

  I eventually went back out in the living room so I wouldn't be lonely. The boys and I had been sitting on the couches watching movies for a good four hours which meant that it was almost two o'clock when I finally decided to get ready. The outfit I put on was a pair of black biker shorts and a brown Nirvana band tee. I threw my hair into a low messy bun but was too lazy to do my makeup.

No Control ~ 1D (on break)Where stories live. Discover now