01: Meetings

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  My palms were sweating like crazy, my hands shaking uncontrollably. I waited by the phone for a call that could change my life forever. So when the phone finally rang my heart skipped a beat. I took a deep breath before picking up.

"Hello, this is Jade Woods speaking."

"Hello, Miss Woods. This is Bryan Nicks, I'm part of the management team for One Direction."

My stomach turned a bit at the mention of the band.

"I'm calling to tell you that you have been selected to fill the position as the boys' hairstylist for the upcoming tour."

That's when my heart really started to race.

"Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

"I'm glad to hear that you're excited. We will send you an email within a few hours so we can schedule a meeting to go over your contract and you can meet the rest of the crew."

"Thank you again. I'll make sure to look out for that email."

"Great! Have a good day."

"You too. Goodbye."

I couldn't believe it. I had been selected to be the hairstylist for the biggest boy band on the planet. And fresh out of college. That was a huge accomplishment for me. It had always been my dream to travel the world doing what I love. And now that dream was coming true.

  The day finally arrived for me to go meet the crew behind One Direction. Luckily I only lived about an hour away from where the meeting was being held. I attended UCLA and stayed in Los Angeles after college to pursue my dreams.

In my room, I rummaged through my closet trying to find something to wear. Eventually, I settled on a plain black shirt, a jean skirt, and some black combat boots.

Once I was dressed I put on some natural makeup that complemented my emerald green eyes and brushed my shoulder-length, dark brown hair.

I frantically grabbed anything I might need. My phone, keys, purse, wallet, and a few mints. After I got my stuff together I made my way out of my apartment room and headed to the parking lot. My stomach growled as I got to the bottom of the stairs since I hadn't bothered to eat breakfast. When I got to my car I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was ten o'clock. The meeting was at eleven and the building was about thirty minutes away. So I had plenty of time but didn't want to risk being anywhere close to late.

As I got into my car I sat my bag in the passenger seat and typed the location into my GPS. I started the car and turned on the radio to help calm me down. Usually listening to music helped relieve my nerves. One of my favorite songs, Mr. Brightside, was playing so I turned up the volume. I rocked out to multiple different songs before arriving at my destination.

Before getting out of the car I convinced myself that there was nothing to worry about. All I was doing was going over contracts and meeting the crew. Right?

After parking the car and gathering my things once again I headed to the entrance of the building. The building was made of tinted glass and appeared to be an office building. As I walked up to the door I realized that you needed a badge to get it. I looked around and noticed a button next to the door so I pressed it. It made a loud buzzing noise before a lady's voice came out of it.

"How may I help you?"

"Um... I'm here for a meeting,"  I answered.


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