"No not even close." I grin.

"But your friends?" She squints her eyes at me again.

Niall butts in. "Yeah sorry Harry isn't allowed to talk about her."

The interviewer laughs awkwardly. "Is there any relationship that you can talk about?"

"Uh, no." I answer, which causes the lads and I to laugh again.

"I think we should move onto something else yeah?" Liam suggests.

The interviewer looks extremely confused but moves on. The rest of the time is focused on how tour is going and what the next album will look like.

- - - - - - - -

Simon is fuming, he was standing off to the side the whole time. I could tell he was trying everything to stop himself from cutting the interview short.

The second we get off I look the the lads giving them a little nod.

"Good luck." Niall pats my back, I smile.

They walk off in the direction of the lobby. I can see Simon walking over to me, I Strat slowly following the boys. Making sue to stay away from them, and away from the people on set.

"I can't believe you Styles you breached contract." Simon growled when he's near.

"So?" I say glaring at him. "I don't even care anymore."

"You will in a second, fag." He threatens stepping forward. Trying to press me against a wall. 

I roll my eyes and keep walking in the direction of the lobby, Simon folding closely behind. Perfect.

"You can't talk about any of them, you need to start dressing like a man again, and is that fucking nail polish, get that off of your hands now."

I step out into the lobby, quickly looking around. There are press everywhere, good. I seethe boys, they are standing a little ways away, so they can walk over. I turn to look at Simon, everything is going according to plan.

"You know what Simon," I talk loudly grabbing the attention of most of the press in the room. "I like the way I dress so I'm going to continue to dress like this. I like wearing nail polish so I'm going to keep on fucking wearing nail polish. You can't tell me what to do anymore."

Simon is fuming, it's just as bad as when Louis called him out in his office. But now he can't say anything because the press are surrounding up. Pointing cameras in out faces and demanding answers.

"Oh look at that your not going to call me that word in front of these paps now are you?" I mock him.  "Don't want the secret getting out? Don't want people to know the real reason I passed out? The real reason I can't talk about my relationships? The real reason why I date so many women?"

He is silent, sending daggers with his eyes in my direction.

"That's what I thought." I smirk.

"You bite your tongue, you have no idea what I have done for you boys. If anyone found out the band would be done. Over. No one would respect you." He spits, glancing at the paps around us.

"Simon," Liam says coming up behind me "you can't win this time, why are you even trying? We are all done with this."

"You have been trying to keep this a secret since x-factor, and we're tried of it." Niall says coming to stand beside me.

"Eventually it is all going to come out, and you won't be able to throw money at it to make it go away anymore." Zayn says finally. We are all standing in front of him, staring him down and making it very clear that we will not be stepped on any longer.

The paps all start yelling questions when we finish talking. Once again demanding for answers. For some sort of explanation

"What are you going to do now Simon?" I grin. "What are you going to have us do to cover it up? Another stunt? Who's heart will I play? Will you bring Taylor back? It didn't work out the way you wanted last time."

"Well maybe if you fixed yourself we wouldn't be having this conversation." He growls. I now he is using that wording to make it sound like there is something wrong with me. It's a brilliant last resort of self preservation, but it won't work.

"Fix myself?" I laugh. "Really Simon? Maybe if you sorted out your problem with me we wouldn't be having this conversation."

I scoff, looking around at all the cameras. All the mics turned in my direction.

"I'm sick and tried of lying and playing this person you decided that I am. So I'm done, I won't do it anymore. Have a nice day."

They boys and I all walk away, leaving Simon to deal with the wolves.

i'm getting so excited about this story 😁😁

tpwk ❤️❤️

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