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Why can't my stupid heart just accept the truth.....

Why you still beat for him.....

Why you still can't hate him....

Why you still have that big space for him....

Why you still care for him....

Why you still wait for him.....

Why you still think he's not wrong.....

Why you still have hope....

Why you still want him...

Just break already.....

My heart: I'm broken in pieces  just don't know what to do with those broken pieces and so I'm waiting for the person to fix it who broke it.

This is the truth!
It's not your fault if you still like him/her it's just, broken heart can only be fixed by the owner of your heart and sadly he's/she's also the one who broke it.... you still keep a hope that he'll/she'll bring back your happiness but just like this qoute says 'don't search for happiness in the same place you lost it' it never happens, he/she never comes back and instead the pieces of your shattered heart becomes million and billion..... and then you don't know what to do with these many pieces.

Whom to trust?

Whom to care?

Whom to love?

There are so many pieces of your heart that you get confused which piece wants what.
Am I right?

You still like him/her?

If yes than I'll give an advice -

Sometimes you think that they break your heart but no.
Not everyone is the same!- keep this in mind.

Sometimes you gave the wrong person the right pieces of you...... and the right person who needs it you don't value them.

If you still like him/her then it means they made you feel so much loved that you crave for it and you want to be loved like they loved you.

What if you were the one who broke him/her?
Not everytime you're right... not everytime he/she is wrong.

Sometimes we should see everything through his/her point of view.

You love him/her right?
But why?

Ask yourself and answer it on your own.

What if there's just a simple misunderstanding breaking your relationship........ you have to fight for everything.

Life isn't a movie that you just sit and watch... you have to write the script on your own, you have to produce it, you have to do the actions.

If he/she isn't right then stop loving them right away because if they're not right why is your heart even beating for him/her?
Have you ever asked this question to yourself?

Sit and talk to yourself... only you have the answer to your questions!!

Collect the broken pieces of your heart, if you can't join it keep it together atleast.

'Time won't heal it'

Until you show any move!!!!

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