you have permission

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(A love note I wrote to someone on a sad day....)

You have permission to fall apart. You have permission to break and crumble and feel like your edges are being broken off and you don't know any longer where you end and begin.
You're allowed to feel like the only thing keeping you from insanity is the force of your fingertips on the ledge. Holding on. Refusing to let go.
You have permission to need. You're allowed to need. Help. Love. Understanding. You don't have to suffer alone.(I'm always here for you)
And if you want to fall apart, alone, in the darkness of your room? You have permission to do that too. It's okay.
You have permission, right here in this moment to let the air enter your lungs again. To take a breathe. To stop holding on to so tightly to yourself that you're forgetting to breathe. 

I know how much you're suffering through but I want you to know I'm with you in every process.
And maybe now I know what's bothering you so I won't ask you, till you say it by yourself.....if you feel like telling me. (I don't want you to feel uncomfortable sharing your secrets with a stranger)

You have permission to live your life by yourself so just stop being a puppet of someone else. I know it's easy said then done...but give it a try.
It's your story, honey.
Feel free to hit 'em whit a plot twist
Whenever you want.
Rather than blaming yourself, blaming your life, doubting to live life.
You have a fire inside you, instead of burning yourself in it, burn the people who ain't worth you.

You know what this is life, and it is what it is. Shit is gonna happen. It's gonna get complicated. We're gonna relapse. We're gonna need time-outs. We're gonna lose our shit and yell for people to get the fuck out of our lives. We're gonna break down and beg some people to stay in our lives.
Some days we're gonna feel everything all at once. Other days, we're gonna feel nothing at all. We're gonna be in some bad spaces, we're gonna be in some amazing ones. We're gonna get on our knees crying and hurting and begging for help. We're gonna get on our knees and pray just to say thank you. We're gonna have moments when we know exactly what we want, and we're sure. We're gonna have moments when we legit have no fucking clue what we want, and we're confused.
This life shit isn't a movie, and I think sometimes, we forget that.

You have permission to feel everything.

Fall in love. Maybe it doesn't have to be with someone. Fall in love with music, art, dancing in the dark, car rides at 1am, the glistening of the starts, the colors of the sun as it rises, the smell of flower, the feeling of adrenaline that takes over your whole body and suffocates your lungs with joy, good friends who bring out your best, silence, noise, fall in love with little things that make you feel most alive and find purpose.
Fall in love with life.

Don't push people outta your life who care for you because at last you'll be end up with nothing but regret.
Share your pain it only make you lighten the weight from you chest, it won't harm you.

If the worst is going on then the best is still waiting to come. Wait for it. It is on the way to your life. Maybe the route is too long and that's why it's taking so long, but one day it will reach you. Best days will come because you're their destination and they'll only come to you. Just wait.

You have the permission to do everything. No one can stop you it's your life. Live it as you want.

And yes I told you the world is full of fake people but not everyone is the same🙃. And that's why I have 4 best people in my life that is my 2 besties and you two. If you think I'm fake than let it be, but still I'll never leave your side.

Reapeat to yourself:

My life is great. I am great. Everything is happening for me.
All of the things that I am currently experiencing are only taking me to the next level of my life. I am growing. I am getting better. I choose to believe in sudden miracles & unexpected blessings.

You have the permission to show your feelings.
You have the permission to throw some shits out of your life and if it's me than I won't complain, throw me out...... but remember 1 thing if you throw me out I'll come again.

I'll never leave your side.
I love you my friend.

(I hope you understand everything I worte)

You have the permission to ignore this letter and me too💔.


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