Chapter 16;One step closer

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" She asked eyeing at me. "Just.....hanging out."
She looked at me and asked, "Have we met?"
"Yea...last week, at the after party?"

She formed an O expression and nodded. Turning back to Juyeon, "they're looking for you downstairs. We should go." She said, touching his arm.
"You okay going back alone?" His eyes fixed on me.

"I'm actually lost..." He pointed past my shoulder, "Out of that door, end of the hallway, there's a long staircase which will take you right to the door." I smiled and nodded.

Soojin then dragged Juyeon by arm, talking about something. Just before both Juyeon and Soojin vanished into the wings, he looked back at me, mouthed: Help Me!


Following  the exact steps Juyeon mentioned,  I finally found myself in the green room with the maknaez. Both Sunwoo and Hyunjun were playing video games as if they were at the dorm. They were so into the game that they didn't notice me until I threw a pillow at both of them.

Then I realized i did a very huge mistake because they started a chaotic pillow fight. After a while, we all flopped on the sofa laughing at each other's faces ruined with feathers.

"You two are gonna get into trouble, you know?" I said, looking at their messy hair which was once styled carefully. "nah, We don't mind." Hyunjun said with his usual smirk.

"By the way, I want to ask something about Juyeon." Both of them looked at me with childish smirks. "You want his number,right?" Hyunjun asked, teasing.

"It's 010-34-" I quickly closed his mouth just before Sunwoo could expose Juyeon's phone number. "My" I shook my head, still closing Sunwoo's mouth.

Both of the boys looked disappointed as they started to walk away from me for some reasons. "It's actually about his lyrics." They stopped. "I was wondering where they came from..."

Both of them looked at each other like some duo and shrugged their shoulders at the same time. "He's pretty private about it, well...most of his things actually." I thought about the band meeting with the paparazi earlier.

"Like his family?"
"Especially his family."



All the boyz walked over to the huge table, fans surrounding around them with pens,books and posters, and the press braking questions at them.

"Hey! Juyeon! Juyeon ssi!" He was signing a poster to moonlight who was smiling ear to ear. "Juyeon?"They called him again but louder this time. "Yup?" "Tell us about you and Soojin! Are you two together?" "Yeah, her!" Similar questions roared the place quickly as possible.

"We're friends. That's it. She's cool, but we're just.....friends." There was a brief of moment where the journalists looked at each other before they bombarded hi with another question,"Who was the song "I'm your boy" written for?" continued with many female celebrity names.

With many other questions asked towards the group, no-one bothered to answer them at all.  I smiled seeing the boyz being so professional as I won't be able to chill like they did if I were them.

I was in the middle of framing a shot of Juyeon posing for a picture with a moonlight. There, i noticed a chubby looking journalist pushing his way through the crowd, mainly towards Juyeon. He was shouting his name until he'd made to the front and asked, "Tell us about your family."

Juyeon fro-zed, "What?"

"Go on," The man said with a smug look. "Tell us about them." Juyeon lowered his pen, staring straight forwards the man, "I don't talk about my family. You guys know that."

"Come on mate. They are living in Seoul from what I discovered. They must be proud of you, right? Their pop-star son." Juyeon didn't answer, instead he finished the autograph and passed it over the girl whose cheeks were pinkish.

"Next question!" "Hyunjae ssi! Hyunjae!"
The attention was now on Hyunjae as they started asking about his rumored-cameo on Utopia, Cresent's brother group's debut album.

For a second, i kept my lens fixed on Juyeon, which meant that I was probably the only one to notice the look on he was giving the pushy journalist. His brow was lowered, jaw clenched, eyes unblinking. 

It was serious.


Hi, everyone! Hope you're enjoying the book so far! Just wanted to say Happy new year to everyone<33. Wishing 2021 is a great year. *fingers cross* Oh, and my sister's birthday was yesterday too. January is doing great so far.

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