"Hey now... you just got to make out with a pretty girl, I wouldn't say your luck is that shitty." I froze completely at her words, my eyes going wide in surprise. I mean, I guess she was right, but those were the last words I ever would've expected to come out of her mouth. I was still shocked that she let me kiss her, still shocked that I had even wanted to. 

I forced out a low chuckle, allowing my body to move without thinking about what I was going to do. I mean, not thinking about it led me to kiss her, so maybe not thinking was the key- don't think, just feel. 

"I did get to make out with a pretty girl." I muttered, watching her closely as I brought myself in front of her, my hand on either side of her hips as she stayed still on my bed. I celebrated silently as I noticed her breath hitch as I got closer, barely an inch of space between us. My body was already tingling again at just the anticipation of kissing her again- assuming she would let me. "But the question is, is she going to let me do it again?" 

"Hmmm." She hummed, as if actually thinking about my question. Although, she still allowed herself to lean forward, my own breath catching in my throat as her lips grazed against mine. "Maybe." She mumbled, her lips moving against mine at the simple word. But as soon as I went to lean in more, she pulled back, a low whine leaving me. "Maybe not." 

I couldn't help but glare slightly at her. I knew she was just teasing me, but I desperately wanted to feel her lips on mine again. I wanted to feel my body react, my blood burning through my veins as she folded her full lips with mine. She smirked at me before she was leaning forward once more, a sigh of relief leaving me as her lips landed on mine. She surprised me, yet again, by letting her tongue trace along my lip ring, playing gently with the metal. A groan pushed past my lips, one of my hands sliding up her neck to lock onto her jaw, preventing her from pulling away from me. It was like she was a magnet, pulling me in and I would do anything to not be separated from her again. 

She allowed her hands to drag up my bare chest, goosebumps rising to the skin as her nails scraped along the flesh. Blood immediately started rushing downwards, my breath hitching before she was pulling back. I wanted to pull her back in, but I knew I needed to keep the situation under control- my dad was unfortunately still home. 

"See, your lucks not that bad." She breathed, smiling shyly as her gaze burned a hole right through me. I couldn't help myself from leaning forward to feel her lips against mine once more before pulling back completely and standing from my bed. 

I was breathing heavy as I turned away from her, quickly readjusting my sweatpants before she noticed. My body was still hot from kissing her, but I still found myself missing the heat from having her so close. I absolutely hated the fact that I wanted to keep her as close as possible, but I had a feeling there was nothing I could do about it. AsI said, we were like magnets pulling at each other once we got close enough, and now it didn't seem like you would be able to pull us apart. 

At least that's how I felt... I had absolutely no idea what she was thinking about any of this. And I didn't think I wanted to know. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked, unlocking my bedroom door before my dad could even question why had it been locked in the first place. 

"Yeah." She squeaked, her gaze burning into me as I slipped out of my room. 

I took a deep breath, padding down the stairs before looking over the movies in the living room. My head was pounding only slightly, but I still allowed my hands to rise and rub over my temples. The medicine was helping, but I had a feeling the stress my parents had caused me today did not. 

"Luke." I jumped at my fathers voice, spinning around to see him glaring at me, his arms crossed over his chest. 


Leave Me Lonely || Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now