She shook her head and said, “It was an arranged marriage, Arabella.”

I looked at her straight in the eyes as she looked at mine. “What do you mean?”

“His grandfather and my dad wanted us to get married to secure the merger between our companies. You know. The usual stuff that happens in movies, they happen in real life. That’s why he decided to break up with you. He didn’t really mean to leave you. He just didn’t have a choice.”

I shook my head and said, “I don’t agree with you on that one. You know, Mico had a choice. He said he found someone else. He found you and left me.”

“Yes. Maybe you’re right. Mico had a choice. For almost five years, I thought we have learned to love each other because he agreed to marry me. But I was wrong. I don’t think he even loved me. Yes, he left you to be with me. He waited for me in front of the altar. But he only did that just to tell me that he loves somebody else. It really broke my heart, but I just have to let him go. I can’t imprison him in a life that he didn’t want.”

I saw tears formed in her eyes. I can see myself in her situation. I once experienced those tears. I didn’t know which situation hurt more. But I guess Stephanie handled it better than I did. She faced her situation without losing her rational thinking. She had control over herself. Even the tears that formed in her eyes didn’t come down. She’s a strong person. I wanted to help her. But I don’t think she needs it especially coming from a person who can’t even help herself. I wanted to bring back what I have lost. But I don’t even know where to start. My heart doesn’t feel anything right now.

After a while, she said something that really gotten my attention. “I really believe that it’s you that Mico loves so much. No. I don’t believe it’s you. I’m sure that you’re the reason why Mico decided to back out of the wedding. He’s still in love with you, Arabella. And you know what, I regret coming into your lives. If it wasn’t for me, the two of you could have enjoyed those five years together. It could have been your wedding.”

I shook my head and smiled. I took my time and drank my coffee before responding with what she said. I place my coffee down and said. “Well, if that’s what you think, I can’t do anything about it. But, I don’t really think that he left you because of me, if that is what you’re trying to say.”

“No. I’m not blaming you for what happened. I’m just saying that Mico still loves you. He never really fell in love with somebody else. It’s just you.”

“You know what, five years have gone by and when we saw each other, it’s as if nothing happened between us. He just treated me as if I’m an old friend. He even said that he’ll introduce me to the girl he loves.”

“But did he introduce her?”

“No. Not yet.”

“Did he mention her name?”


“Did he tell you when he met her?”

“Well, he said that he had her once. But he let her go.” Did I hear myself right?

“Because?” She continued to question me. I think she was up to something. I can feel that she’s really determined to prove her point.

“Because his grandfather wanted you to be his wife and not her.”

She nodded. “One more question, why did Mico left you?”

“Because he fell in love with you?”

“No. Because his grandfather wanted me to be his wife and not you. Make sense?”

“So, you’re saying that I’m the girl he was talking about? That’s impossible.”

“Is it? I’m positive, Arabella. It’s you.”

“But why are you doing this? If I was really that person, why would you tell me these things? Shouldn’t you be mad at me?”

“I told you that I didn’t want Mico to live a life he didn’t want. So, I wanted to help him find his happiness. The moment I saw you in the dress shop earlier, I really wanted to tell you all these things even if it hurts.”

I took my time to breathe before saying something. Without looking at her, I said, “Listen, Stephanie.  Even if what you just said is true, our relationship will not go back to the way it was before. For the past five years, things have changed. People have changed. Feelings have changed. It will never be the same again. A scar will always be there. It marks you and will always remind you about the past.”

“Like a scar from an accident?” She asked me. I looked at her and I saw something in her face. She looked as if she knows something that she shouldn’t.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“Nothing. I just remembered something from the past about an accident that happened to someone I know. She had a big scar right here.” She said while pointing at her heart.

I nodded. I don’t know if she meant something else with what she said. But it was a relief. I thought she knew about my accident. It was a secret I kept. My family, Carlos and his father were the only ones who knew. My friends didn’t even know about it until now. And it will forever remain a secret.

I looked at my watch and it was already 5 in the afternoon. I needed to go home before 6. My parents are expecting me to have dinner with them so I decided to leave. “Stephanie, I think I need to go now.”

“Oh, alright! I’ll just see you some other time. Thank you for your time. Please think about what I said earlier. Learn to forgive, Arabella. It’s not yet too late.”

I just nodded and bid her farewell. As I walk away from her, I wish I was a lot like her. She’s strong. She gets hurt sometimes. But it doesn’t stop her from being the person she is. I really admire her. I think Mico lost another great person in his life. I hope she’ll find real happiness.

A Chance at Love (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin