"how in the world did you end up here?" i asked

"i have no idea" he replied

"Caspian, Izzy" i turned back and went to my brother hugging him While Caspian gave him a towel. I had missed them so much. I was beyond happy to finally see them, not yet questioning the reason.

"Edmund" Cas gave him a slap on the back and we went back to Lucy

"It's great to see you" he told us

"great to see you too"

"didn't you call us here?" Lucy wondered seeing our not confused expressions at their appearance. Like I said I was beyond happy to see them, but now i was questioning their arrival

"no not this time" Caspian replied

"Ask Aslan for us to come?" Ed looked at me I shook my head

"nope haven't seen him in years" i informed him

"Well whatever the case i'm just glad to be here" Ed grinned which I returned once more.

"it's great to have you back". there was a shrill scream and we looked over to see Reep backing away after he was thrown off the third stowaway. I finally got a good look at who else we had picked up

"oh you have got to be kidding me" i whined

"Reepicheep" Lucy exclaimed he turned round and fixed himself before bowing.

"your majesties"

"Hello Reep what a pleasure" Edmund greeted his friend

"the pleasure is all mine sir. But first what to do about this hysterical interloper" he gestured to our annoying cousin and I folded my arms scowling.

"if only it was such a thing Reep i'd bet we'd all sleep peacefully " i commented as my cousin Eustace

"that giant rat thing jus tried to claw my face off" he yelled pointing at Reep. I rolled my eyes, why him of all people was he brought along with my siblings. Just why?

"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs" my knight of Narina replied

"did you here it, it just talked" he pointed in astonishment

"he always talks" one of the men stated

"it's getting him to shut up that's the trick" Caspian joked

"Caspian" i hit his arm shaking my head with amusement. It was sort of true, but that didn't mean my husband had to say it outlaid though and join in.

"when there is a moment when there is nothing to be said i promise you your highness i will not say it" Reep bowed his head

"i don't care what sort of prank this is but i want to wake up right now!" he complained

"perhaps we could though him back" Reep suggested

"well..." Edmund and I trailed of entertaining the idea. It wasn't a bad one, in fact I quite liked it.

"Belle" "Edmund" Lucy and Caspian were shocked

"what you clearly don't know him what you say Ed? you grab his top i'll take his feet" i knocked his shoulder. Edmund grinned and nodded

"what happened to the Delicate Queen" Cas questioned

"went overboard when he came on ship" i replied. Now i was patient most times i was happy to sort things out peacefully but Eustace Scrubb wore me down and annoyed the hell out of me. My niceness and gentleness went out of the window.  He started crying and stormed to the other side

"i demand to know just where in the blazes am i?" Tavoros stepped forward

"you're on the Dawn Treader the finest ship in Narnian's navy." i nearly fell laughing when Eustace fainted

"was it something i said" Tavros asked Caspian as i went to the stairs

"see to him will you" he came to join me

"Men behold our castaways  Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valiant King and Queen of Narnia" the crew bowed in respect .

"come on Lu i have some clothes for you" i pulled her away to a room where she dried and changed

"don't you have any dresses" i shook my head

"not on this ship sis. its shirts and pants for moving around in" she had a pair of my clothes which were a little too big for her. She tied her hair to the side and we left to meet the boys.

a/n i don't have any pictures but its like what Lucy wears in the film but with a more of a girl touch like the jacket is fitted. Lucy is the same because the clothes are still a little big for her but with Belle its more fitted and less baggy. She will also tend to mirror what Caspian wears cause i wanted that sort of cuteness.

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