What do we do Tetsurō?

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If there was another word for best friend, Kozume would be that.

But, when? When did he have those kinds of emotions towards you?

You force yourself to think but you can only revert back to his vows. He spoke from his heart.

The reality of it all is that his vows never met reality. The reality you two are in.

"We've seen and gone through a lot together. We've even grown up together into the adults we are today."

The two of you met as young kids in elementary school and attended middle and high school together. The amount of times you'd hang out and you somehow always found a way to get hurt. Kuroo would scold you but Kozume would silently tend to your injuries.

He was always silently supporting you but you never noticed. You took his small actions of kindness for granted. Because you were blind sighted by the small things.

"I feared that someone else would come along and sweep you away while I struggled to understand my emotions. You know how dunce I am when it comes to love."

This line.

It would've been something Kozume would say if you were never swayed away by Kuroo. Kozume must've not understood his emotions even back then until something big caused him to realize it all. That said big thing probably being your relationship with Kuroo.

"But you were patient. You waited for me to realize my emotions and you accepted me with open arms. I can't thank you enough for choosing me. For loving me. For believing in us and seeing that what we have is forever. I love you. I love you so much and I hope you understand the amount of love I have for you is overwhelming."

This line as well.

Kozume would've repeated these words in a real confession if he were to have his way.

You slow the car into a parking spot, turning the engine off. A sadness drapes over you. Resting your head on the steering wheel, you grip the leather wheel. A loud frustrating scream escapes from your lips.

You pray this is all over speculating but in the back of your mind, you know this is a possibility. You've never seen another girl besides Kozume. The reason must be because his heart belongs to someone else.

That someone else probably being you.

Why? Why? Why? Why?

This becomes an obstacle in your way.

If you were to fall back in love with Kuroo, how could you pretend to not know Kozume's feelings for you?

𝒔𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒏 | Tetsurō Kuroo x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora