18- A Hogsmeade Trip

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"Hermione...!" Pansy said in a scary voice.

"No no, its hErmionnnnnne-" Theo said bashing into her, which made her nearly fall down the stairs.

"She's probably sleeping, so I'll get some clothes with Pansy and we'll go to the Slytherin dorms." Ginny said tired and they nodded. Pansy opened the door and there lay, Draco and Hermione. Blaise covered his mouth in shock and started jumping up and down lightly, shaking Theo side to side. "He's finally growing up!" Blaise whispered and Theo nodded, jumping with him then letting him go to kiss Draco on the cheek.

"If he caught you doing that, you'd simply die." Ginny said, getting out her camera and snapping pictures of the sleeping couple, and then a picture with all six of them. Pansy rolled her eyes playfully and started packing, as well as Ginny. Her and Ginny were so happy that they found a way to each others' hearts, and related to one another. They thought they were really cute together sleeping.

Pansy finished and looked at Theo. He was looking in Pansy's draws on her small side table.

"There's nothing there, since I only come here on weekends, you stalker." Pansy smirked and he jumped, nearly knocking over her perfume bottle.

"Hey! That's expensive."

"Sorry.. sorry!" Theo said sarcastically putting his hand sup in surrender.

Blaise helped Ginny pack in the corner of her dorm where she kept her small closet.

"I had fun today, in Hogsmeade." Blaise said nervously to her.

"I did too, and it's lovely spending time with you. I think you're really funny." She winked at him and he smirked back. He leaned in closer to her and so did she, capturing each others lips softly, while Pansy and Theo looked at them awkwardly from the other side of the room.

Pansy looked at Theo and blushed, but she didn't think he noticed as her face became tinged pink. But he did.


It was now Sunday, and Hermione woke up very comfortably next to Draco, who slept like an absolute baby. She got out of bed, away from his arms and he groaned into the pillow. She quickly got ready in the bathroom and changed. She got out and Draco was standing in front of her mirror, with his sleeve up. He was already dressed for where ever Hermione was planning on taking him, and he didn't mind where. He'd made sure to wear a long sleeve, he didn't want Hermione to be embarrassed walking next to him.

"You know you can wear short sleeves, right?" Hermione said walking slowly behind him. He turned around and shook his head, walking past her, making her bed with wordless magic.

"I'm not kidding." Hermione smiled and he smiled faintly back. He was quiet in the mornings, she'd notice. She took out her hand towards him and he took it almost immediately. Hermione's heart fluttered happily, and they exited.

They walked down the stairs hand in hand and the common room had a good amount of people who paid no attention to them, much to Draco's relief.

Hermione noticed Ron in the corner with a different girl, they were laughing together. She stopped as Ron looked at her, and had a look of fright upon his face when she took out her wand and playfully pointed it towards him. Draco looked at the interaction, and Hermione let out an evil laugh, surprisingly it was very natural. She pocketed her wand as she squeezed his hand tighter, and he squeezed back, lifting her hand up and kissing it.


Hermione and Draco spent so much time together in Hogsmeade, that Hermione had asked if she could get five minutes to buy something for herself, and he kissed her good bye, going to get a small snack.

Redamancy (dramione)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon