1- Back to School

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Hermione made her way to her compartment, hand in hand with her love, her boyfriend, Ron. She was more than excited for this new year where she could relax. She looked at Ron as they walked.

He didn't seem very excited. His mother had forced him to come, and Harry didn't want to come back anymore, starting to work at the Ministry.

"Aren't you excited, Ron?" Hermione looked up lovingly at him and he snapped out of it.

"Uh yeah, I'm excited, just disappointed Harry isn't here." He concluded and they arrived at their compartment.

"But I'm here, that's good isn't it?" She smiled but he let her hand go and opened the compartment door, revealing a Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.

"Oh uh hello!" Hermione said nervously as she saw Pansy there and sat down.

"What do you think you're doing Hermione? Didn't you see the Slytherin on your way in?" He said crossing his arms. "Come on, let's go." He said but she stayed in her seat.

"Come on Ron, cheer up, it's a new year, new beginnings, new friends!" Ginny said and patted the seat next to her. He huffed and closed the compartment and sat across from Pansy angrily.

"I can leave-" Pansy tried. "-Nonsense! Stay! You're very lovely." Luna said and Pansy took a shaky breath and smiled at everyone, who smiled back, except for Ron, who huffed and looked out the window.

"So, Pansy? What did you do in the holidays?" Hermione asked. She wasn't going to make it awkward, and she saw the smile on Ginny's face when she had started conversation with the Filipino girl. Pansy smiled back at this and started talking happily, scared to bore them.


Draco walked in the compartment and saw Blaise and Theo playing cards.

"Hello." Draco said and put his bags down.

"Hey-" "Sup Drake." They said at the same time, trying to concentrate on their game while Draco chuckled.

"All kings! I win!" Theo said throwing the cards in the air and making them fly everywhere.

"Oi! You may of won but that doesn't give you the right to throw around my deck of cards, they were expensive!" Blaise said annoyed and bent down to pick his cards, babying them in his arms. Theo looked at Draco and the two laughed at his behaviour.

They were the cards that the royalty on them would move around, like a photograph, but not big movements, just small ones, while the joker just jumped around the corner of his card causing mischief, changing the colour of his card.

Blaise sat back up and packed up his cards.

"Anyway, how are you Draco? Taking care of yourself lately?" Blaise asked looking at his left arm. Draco chuckled and shook his head looking out the window.

Theo tilted his head and looked at Blaise.

"Listen, we're here if you want to talk." Theo offered smiling.

"Don't worry, I've stopped completely, just letting it heal. I'm.. over it." He sighed and smiled to himself out the window.

His friends nodded with smiles on their faces, they were happy for him. Theo sighed and lay back in his chair. How beautiful this year was going to be, he had a good feeling. Theo suddenly hugged Blaise in happiness and Blaise eyed Draco weirdly, patting Theo on the back awkwardly. Theo grinned like a goof. Blaise smiled and shook his head, looking down at his deck of cards. On top was the queen of hearts, and beautiful she was, her hair swaying slightly. She smiled faintly at him and he smiled at the sight.

This year, yes, this year was the one, merlin it was. He grinned from ear to ear. He made it, he actually made it, he actually survived the war with only a scar that he could manage to ignore for the rest of his life, if he tried. He could do it, and be happy, and he would be excited about it! Maybe..maybe even meet a girl, any girl! He didn't care.

He moved his gaze to Draco who looked out the window and he moved his eyes to the window and saw the lovely trees swaying in the wind and the deep lovely green of nature made him smile.


"Listen everyone, I'm going to get changed, I'll be quick!" She kissed Ron on the cheek and left waving back to her friends. She hummed happily to herself as she walked down the small corridor to the back of the train. Someone exited a compartment and started walking in front of Hermione, down to the changing rooms.

She'd recognise him anywhere, of course, but who wouldn't? You would have to look after yourself for your bully, so you didn't have to be tormented that day. But it's different now, they were older, he didn't have to be mean to her, he could at least ignore her. She sighed, she was glad there were two changing rooms for different genders, so she did not have to wait for him to get changed.

He entered and he turned to close the door when he made eye contact with her. She looked back emotionless and as did he.

It was awkward, so awkward.

For the past six years he had been tormenting her, making her feel bad for being who she was when she couldn't even control it. He'd put her down, enlarged her teeth, made fun of her hair, and had to hate her because his father said so, and to put it all on top, he'd watched her get tortured by his very own Aunt, standing to the side and watching it all happen, Granger's screams still haunted him, why wouldn't it? It was eerie, heart breaking. And worst of all, he'd realised what he'd believed in his whole life had been a lie! She didn't bleed mud, no, no! Her blood looked like his, exactly like his!

He felt shame.

She'd call his name many times and it would repeat in his head over and over. She cried while calling out for him, to help her. He should of released Ron and Harry secretly to go and help her, but he didn't. He should of helped her when she called his name, but he didn't. He should of listened to Dumbledore, and join the better side, the good side, and get away from his crazy family, but he didn't.

He closed the door hurriedly and started changing.

Hermione's heart dropped when she had made eye contact with him. She'd never felt anything like it. There he was, the boy who'd she turned to for help but what was she expecting? For him to help her?

She scoffed at the thought. Why would he?

His face looked guilty, like he was actually going to help her, it was carved into her eyes every time she blinked, she saw his guilty face, but he stood to the side, and stayed silent.

Redamancy (dramione)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang