Chapter 4

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It's now the second day. I've been grinding like crazy yesterday so now I'm level 5. Honestly I worked hard it was already very late at night time when I went to book an in. I also got new types of bows like the leaf bow. Also I've been also killing monsters that are not balloons so that's a plus.

I finish putting on my armour and I braided my hair into a fishtail. I take my items and open the door.

There in front of me I see Naofumi being apprehended by guards. Shield looked confused and was shouting something about being stolen from.

A guard approached me and told me to follow him back to the castle. I was confused at the situation so I just followed.

We arive at the castle and I immediately go to where I think I should be.

The guards then show Naofumi being held down by guards.

The king silenced him and was shouting about raping his party member. My brows furrow in confusion as I placed my arms in a thinking position.

I may not know Shield too well but I do know that he isn't the type to do that. In addition, I see it in his eyes he is angered, sad and being truthful. Rage has taken him right this moment.

It would be easier if he stayed calm while explaining his point of view. But he let rage take over him.

I look over to Myne wrapping her arms around spear and pressing her boobs on it. Disgusting sight to see. But the lies she is spouting and her facial expression would count as legitimate. She tricked almost everyone that she was almost raped. I am lucky enough to have inherited my mother's ability, if not I would also be tricked by her acting.

I just stood there and said nothing. I knew that I should defend Naofumi because I know he is innocent. But I also know that no matter what I would say they would not listen, and if possible make his situation worse and possibly also mine. They truly just hate the shield hero. I saw it in every noble's eyes since day one. If I helped him in public eyes it would also endanger my benefits. Yes I love real and true justice but I must also think of my well being and benefits before jumping in to save the day.

The other two heroes didn't hate Naofumi but now they do because of a lying bitch spouting lies about Shield trying to rape her. Spear is just plain stupid and easily deceived. Sword on the other hand seems to not really know the full and true story but decided to believe what the people around him said.

In the end Naofumi was given the honor of a terrible life in the capital long as he stays.

I sent him a pitiful glance which went unnoticed by him. He left the castle and probably went out to look for something to spend his rage on.

After the crowd died down I went out and tried to find the broken Shield hero.

I wasn't able to find him so I just went out af the city walls and tried to level up. In the open field there I see Naofumi punching the orange balloons and being bitten at the same time. He doesn't seem affected by the bites though.

I approach him from behind and tapped him in the shoulder. He was surprised and tried to punch me but I just dodged the punch.

He sent me a hateful glare, which I did deserve for not helping him. I raise my hands up in surrender and took out a hundred silver from my inventory and gave it to him.

His gaze turned confused at my gesture. I know that he still has hate to me so I explained myself. "I'm sorry for not defending you even though I knew you were telling the truth. I know that what I did is hard to forgive but for now please just accept this silver. I'll help you when needed but I can't do it in the public's eye. I know im not trustworthy enough but I'm gonna say that I'm not a spy from the king sent here to earn your trust and betray you. I hope you stay safe. Goodbye for now."

I grab his hand placed the bag of silver in his hands and ran away from his vision leaving him there confused.

I head to the woods and began to kill monsters to level up at the same time I'm taking items and let my bow absorb the items I find in the forest.

I find out that I can collect herbs to sell. So I used my leaf bow to find the rare ones and sell it.

I found some and I went into town to sell them. I received at least 10 or 20 so silvers. I'm quite happy with my discovery. I then went to a skin selling shop and there I see Naofumi threatening the shop keeper with those orange balloons. I chuckled quietly at the sight and when he left I came forward and gave my skins to the traumatized seller. I received a few copper coins for the orange plastic while I got at least 5 more silvers for the other skins like the bear monster thing and so on. Ps the bear was hard to kill I got a few scratches from it.



Name: Aikawa Mizuki
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Level 9

ATC - 121(bow atc included)
DEF - 27
MP - 35
HP - 19
AGI - 44+5

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