He finished and lay down in his bid, his body ached. He didn't eat at all these past few days, just smoking and water.

He spends the day alone thinking about Theo's words.

"..It happens in real life too, if you love a person.."

He spent his time sleeping and reading, trying to ignore the pain in his stomach. By the time he finished his 5th book, it became night, and Theo and Blaise never popped in. Draco frowned. They had to move on, even if it was without him. Draco couldn't keep holding them back from what they wanted just because Draco didn't want to move on.

That night he felt so alone. He looked at the big full moon, and looked down near the edge of the lake. There was a couple there sitting, a few actually, scattered all over the grass and under the trees. He suddenly thought of Hermione Granger. Anyone of those people could of been him and her, but he let her go, and messed it up. He hurt her, he pushed all her worst memories all together for her to see. He had wanted to hurt her, he thought she'd experience what he was experiencing.

He suddenly got up and held the mirror to his face, breathing heavily. He understood what he needed to do, nodding to himself.

He set it down softly in it's place and rushed out the Slytherin common room, bare foot in his pyjamas.

He runs fast upon the cold tiles of the big castle, and finally comes to a stop, trying to catch his breath, arriving in front of the Gryffindor Entrance. The Fat Lady. Hermione had made him cover his ears. He rolled his eyes mentally at the thought, but smiled faintly.

She looks down on him silently. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?"

"I need to go in, I need to tell her something-" He huffed trying to catch his breath.

"Who?" She asked, leaning down on him.

"I need to see her so badly-" He said banging on her portrait. "Just let me in, please, you wont see me ever again after this. I like her."

She stayed silent, ignoring him. "Come on, you've never had a crush or been in love?" He said up to her, whining. He ran his hand through his air. She presses her lips firmly together, a hint of sadness on her face. "Someone told me, love can be a gust of wind, or the lightest breeze," He said in a calm voice, smiling to himself faintly. "-So if you don't let me in, I'm blowing you to shreds!" He said angrily taking out her wand and pointing it to her.

She says no words, and the portrait opens for him. He pulls down his wand shakily and nods. He enters and goes to where he remembered Hermione and Ginny's dorm being. He goes up slowly, the door is slightly open, pushing it open and sees her there, sleeping peacefully, of course. The other two beds were empty, and it was just her, gorgeously in the middle. But as he went closer to her, she looked tired, and her skin had gone slightly pale.

He sighed sadly at the sight of her, from the side of her bed, and collapses on his knees from exhaustion. He couldn't take his pain anymore, even though he deserved ten times worse. She wakes up at the noise, stirring in her sleep. Her eyes widen and she jumps in shock. "Draco!" She exclaimed. He played with a lose string from her blanket, and took a shaky sigh.

"What are you doing here?" She wiped her eyes tiredly. "I'm dreaming right?" She mutters and puts her head back on the pillow, looking at the ceiling.

"Are you.. mad at me?" He stammered in a sad voice. He wiped his tear drops away quickly. She moved her head towards him and something in her eyes clicked. It was all real. She got up clutching her head, sitting up, her legs dangling off the bed. She turns to him quickly. "You-You should be mad at me." She finished, studying his face. She finally got a proper look at him. He looked back into her eyes but she was busy looking at his state. He looked horrible, so pale, dark circles, but a bit cleaner than the last time she'd remembered.

"Look at you!" She said in surprise, cupping his cheeks while looking down on him, examining his face. He closed his eyes leaning into her touch. "You look horrible. I wish you ate properly." She said sighing. He smiled faintly. He liked having someone he truly cared and liked care for him back.

"Thanks.." He smiled faintly to himself. Hermione gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry Hermione." He said opening his eyes, and looking right up at her. Her hair fell slightly down and touched the side of his face. He took his hand and put it over her hand that was on his cheek. "Please forgive me, for what I did was simply stupid of me." He pleaded. "I didn't like how we left things.. I'm sorry, that I'm scared, scared of new things, it's stupid really." He continued in a whisper, moving closer to study her eyes. He moved his free hand to her waist.

"I didn't like how we left things either. I felt like we just forgot about us, and chose to ignore it." She said disappointedly at him. He shook his head 'no' slowly. "But- but," She said talking before he talked. "-I really like you, and I have fun with you, smile with you, glare at you, even though I don't mean it. You're smile makes me happy." She finished and he squeezed onto her tighter.

"I thought you simply just wanted to be my friend." He said as his smile turned into a wide one, from happiness. "I think you're really breath taking. There are no words, and this-" He said pulling up her left pyjama sleeve. "-doesn't change anything." He whispered, putting his cold hand over the words. She looked down to his hand, it was bony, skinny, and covered in small slashes. She looked back to him and they leaned in, closer and closer, capturing each others lips softly. It wasn't rough, or angry, or to spite someone else, no, it was loving, but became hungry soon enough. They pulled apart, their foreheads leaning against the others.

"Come on, I'm sure you're knees hurt from standing on them for long, and I don't think you're in any place to keep working your body harder. Just rest, Draco. It's not hard." She shook her head and she got up, slowly lifting him up and he leaned on her.

He stayed silent.

"I have food for you, then you can sleep in any of the spare beds." He nodded tiredly, just going along with whatever she said, but he knew he'd get his way after he had some food. "Now don't eat too quickly, alright?" She said in her lovely voice, from another room. She got food and he ate while she went to the bathroom.

When she exited he was already laying down in her bed, making sure to leave space for Hermione. He smiled into the pillow. This bed smelled just like her, and was warm, inviting, he loved it. He turned towards her and patted the space next to him two times tiredly, closing his eyes. She got in hesitantly but he grabbed her by the bottom of her shirt and pulled her in his arms.

"Now that you've decided you like me, you're stuck with me." He said into her hair, drifting off to sleep.

She smiled into his chest, their legs tangled. Merlin she felt like the only girl in the world.

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