2-Settling in

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"You care so much you feel as though.  you will bleed to death with the pain.                               of it"
                     -J.K. Rowling

Well this is gonna be fun.

We got inside the car and I immediately looked out the window. I kept thinking about John and Mom cause I am happy that their gone but I am also sad because they were so nice to be before all of this happened.

When I was 5 years old it would be verbal yelling from my mom and scolding here and there but once she met John he changed her into something I prayed she wouldn't be. Once I turned 11 they went full on beating me I mean punching, kicking, slapping, choking, taking a knife and carving words in my body. They starved me cause I was too 'fat' and 'ugly' to eat food. They wrote words in my back like shût, whôre, and other words. I will always love my mama its just that what she and John did to me was  unacceptable. I stopped thinking when Lorenzo tapped me on the shoulder, I looked at him confused and he started to talk.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to your mum" he looked at me with sympathy "Umm...I'm okay, are you?" I asked him back. He looked at me like I had 5 heads.

What?! I felt like I needed to ask him the same question. He scoffed and said "I wasn't that close to her so I don't know"

I mean I get it she left them and only took me so I guess they shouldn't care?... I stopped thinking when I saw this big ašs house that looks like Donald Trump owned.

"Well, home sweet home" Lorenzo said getting out of car to get my stuff.

The house looked like a mansion, it had a grey black and white theme, it had this water fountain that could have been in a movie and I swear I thought I saw goblins on the way here.

"Are you gonna help or just stare at the house" he said making me blush. I quickly walked to him getting my one bag  and following Lorenzos foot steps.

I tried to look my way around the house so I would remember it and I swear it looks like those type of houses people in mafia books have. He brought me to my room and told me to freshen up them come down to eat dinner.

I mean dang I didn't know I stank that much...so rude.

I took a shower and quickly put my clothes on. Once I was down I walked out of my room and heard people talking.

"Did he get the package?" a hushed voice man voice said "Umm....y-yes sir" a nervous voice said softly. I looked confused and walked towards the sound, I bumped into a wall that I didn't see. Wait! There wasn't a wall there.

"Well well well...whos this?" the huge guy said as he grabs my arm and pulls me to the other to people. I saw a really tall guy  that looked 6'5 and he had a fancy suit on that looks over thousands dollars.

"Sir I found this girl lurking around the house easdropping on our conversation" he said to the rich looking man.

"Bring her to the interrogation room" the rich dude said with a smirk on his face. The first guy pulled me into a basement. He put this needle thingy inside of me then I blacked out.

~when she woke up~

I woke up to being in a dark room that only has light above my head and I'm strapped to a iron chair. How nice of them, first day here and im already getting strapped to a chair.

"Look whos up" the same rich dudesaid with a smirk on his face " Were gonna have so much fun" he deeply chuckles.

The fuck is he doing he looks like he about to kill someone like he asking for someone to bitch slap him🤚

"I'm gonna ask you questions and if you don't answer them right im going to take this knife and slice you until you tell me" he said politely umm weirdo on the loose.

"Who are you?" He said "Draco Malfoy, you?" What! I had to say it. He slapped me on the face and said through his teeth.

"Who.Are.You!" He got anger " Well Mr Sir if I told you, you wouldn't believe me" " Just.Say.It." he said again with his teeth. Damn bro when was the last time you brushed like eww.

"I'm sorry mr whatever but I don't say" I know it's bad of me to do this but hey, its fun.

Out of the blue he points a gun at my head with a smirk playing on his face.
"Any last words" he puts the bad guy sentence on. Dude you gonna shoot me with a gun...thats boring!

Before I could say anything Lorenzo comes inside the room with a panic face. "Damon have you seen Amber I left her for one second and now I don't know where she is" he's looking for me how sweet.

"Nah haven't seen her" the dude who I assume is  Damon said still with the gun on my head.

"Oh my God you have her right in front of you! I'm so sorry Amber-lyn" Lorenzo said pushing Damon out of the way and unstrapping me from the chair.

"Its alright" I said showing him the thumbs up. "No your not, your covered up in blood and I apologize on Damons behalf" he took me out of the basement and into the living room.

He sits me down on there couch and pulls out s first-aid from the coffee table. He cleans up all my sores and tells me to go to bed.

I get ready for bed thinking why did Damon do that to me I mean I barley know him but he thought I was an intruder. Never mind him, I took a shower and quickly went to bed.

Sorry for not updating I've been busy okay baii now

-shoot mate

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