"That was quick."

I turn to see Sienna approaching at me, nodding pointedly at my now refilled glass.

"Long day." I say with a playful smile, trying to brush it off. She laughs in return, probably thinking that I'm just talking about the ceremony, but I doubt she understands how torturous its been for me.

"So ... what's with the international popstar boyfriend?" Sienna says after ordering her own drink. I almost choke on my mouthful of champagne, even though it's definitely not the first time that's been said to me today. I don't understand why so many people see us as a couple, not when I can barely even entertain the idea that Harry would actually like me. We could never be more than friends, it would never work.

"Not my boyfriend, Harry is just a friend."

"Just a friend? Mhm." She says sceptically, looking behind me. I follow her gaze to see Harry talking to someone else, but he's looking over at us. I smile at him and wave softly, and I don't know if it's just my imagination or if his cheeks actually redden slightly when he smiles back and returns the wave, before turning back to the conversation. When I turn back to Sienna, she's already looking at me with an eyebrow raised, and a wry smile on her face. "I've never had a friend look at me like that."

"You're delusional." I reply, rolling my eyes as if my heart hasn't just latched onto those words. I resist the temptation to glance back at Harry, to study his gaze and see if I can pick up on the slightest bit of love in the way he looks at me, because I'm certain that that will only end in disappointment. "We've been friends since we were in diapers."

It's obvious that Sienna wants to say more, probably wanting to ask what it's like to be his friend, but before she can get any words out, a microphone crackles softly and the MC announces that it's time for everyone to take their seats. I smile at Sienna, grateful for the excuse to leave, but there's a glint in her eyes that makes me certain that she'll want to corner me and ask more questions about Harry at some point during the night.

I take my drink with me as I walk back over to Harry who's sitting at the table now, talking to one of the groom's cousins. He smiles when he sees me approaching, and without looking away from the person he's talking to, he pulls my chair out slightly, giving me just enough room to squeeze into it. I sit there slowly sipping my champagne hoping that the alcohol will help me relax just a little while Harry continues talking. I glance at him surreptitiously, watching how he doesn't take his eyes of the man who's talking, how he smiles and nods to show he's listening. He always laughs at the right moments and has the right comments to say, timing them perfectly. Harry glances at me, and catches me looking at him, and while I stay frozen, he smiles. A dazzling smile that makes me turn my head and take a sip of champagne to try and seem normal. Before we have a chance to talk again, the soft entrance music starts playing through the hall and we all turn to watch the wedding party walk in.

"Enjoying yourself?" I whisper to Harry as the bridesmaids and groomsmen wander out with awkward smiles. I can't stop myself from leaning backwards slightly, enough so that we're close enough that I can practically feel his chest move as he hides a chuckle. Out of the corner of my eye I see him run a hand through his hair, his rings clinking softly against each other. I don't understand how something so effortless can look so attractive.

"Of course, I am. I'm with you." He says easily, poking me softly in the cheek, and I can't help but smile despite how cheesy he sounds.

We watch my cousin and her new husband come into the hall and then proceed to go into their first dance. The whole time I'm still leaning back against him, and his arm has wrapped around my shoulders. I'm definitely not thinking about how easy it would be to kiss him right now. To just turn my head slightly and press my lips to his. Not at all.

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