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Hi its via! My stories aren't great, but thank you for reading- for reaching this far. I appreciate y'all :))

Thank You for flying with Eisen and Andrew. I'm wishing for you to conquer all your dreams, to fly high. No matter what and who you are you will be soon achieving you dreams just like Eisen and Andrew. I believe that you are half way through, so keep on going.

To my real-life eisen, thank you for supporting me since day one. May you continue your dreams, and fulfill them. I prayed that you'll find someone who will understand your attitude, and pride. Soar high, my real-life eisen. Kita kits sa prague! charr :p

The Taste of Art (Squad Series 01) has officially ended December 31, 2020. Hope to see you on Squad Series 02 entitled 'When Stars Land'!

Thank You for reading The taste of Art, Fly High!



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