Introduction of the story

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Hey there my little sinnamon buns and welcome to my first ever fanfic. This fanfic is going to follow the plot of Hunter x Hunter the 2011 anime. (Btw I recommend reading this story after watching at least seasons 1-4 of Hunter x Hunter 2011 anime.)

Information needed-

-Your name:Y/n

-Middle name:M/n

-Last name:L/n

-Age: 12

-Height: 5'0(153cm) {sorry if that's not your actual height}

-Eye color-E/c

-Hair color-H/c

-Hair length-H/l

-Hair type-H/t (curly,straight,etc.)

-Skin color-S/c


-Favorite color-F/c (if you don't have one like me, you can pick any color of your choice)

-Scarlet L/n (mother) |status: unknown
-Tristan L/n (father) |status: unknown

-Backstory: Y/n's mom Scarlet, was a hunter. She knew many different people. When she couldn't take care of Y/n, she asked Biscuit to take care of her daughter in order to protect Y/n from her father. Biscuit took Y/n in and trained her to be a hunter so she could one day find her mother.
Hey there, I hope you'll enjoy the story.

                    Thank you, Taryn_Sinner
Word count:204

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