Chapter Eleven

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The next day was just a day for all the Ultra V's to relax and so Val took this opportunity to talk to Venom about her past. He was so interested in it since she was definitely not someone he expected to have this type of personality. Her personality was starting to show the more missions they went on, he picked up on it quickly since anger wasn't something he was new to.

"Hey sweetheart, can you come to the roof with me?" Val asked.

"Of course!" I replied as I followed Val up the ladder.

"So since this is a rest day I decided we should take a day to get to know each other better. I know we know each other but do we really?" Val questioned.

I smiled, "You have a good point, I've been curious on how you ended up out here and what makes you... well, you!"

"Alright well I'll tell you if you tell me." Val said.

"Ok, what do you wanna know?" I replied.

Val bit his lip, "I wanna know your escape story..."

My eyes went wide and I felt my heart stop. I wasn't expecting that, but it's been over a year now. I try to forget it all the time but part of me holds onto it because it's the last I ever saw of my parents. I knew I could trust Val though and it was time I told him.

"Well... my parents were divorced. My mom lived in the slums and my dad was closer to the city. I was closer with my dad, my mom and I really didn't have a good relationship, but she still cared about me." I explained. "The day everything happened, I went to work like a normal day and one of the workers tapped me on the shoulder and said my dad wanted to talk to me. I knew something was wrong cause my dad wouldn't EVER just pull me out of work. Then when I saw him, I remember the panic on his face. Then he told me everything about the city, which I already somewhat knew since I'd stopped taking the pills earlier that year."

"Glad you worked where you did, you use their own skills against them don't you?" Val asked.

I giggled, "Yeah, but don't tell anyone else, it's a secret."

Val nodded and then urged me to continue and so I did.

"After I learned everything, well was attempting to, Dracs came in. My dad told me to take the car and go to my mom's. The last words I ever said to my dad were the words 'I love you' and I heard a gunshot after and I-I knew he was gone..." I said, trying not to cry.

Val started tearing up watching me break, "Hey come here, it's ok. He was probably so proud of you for everything you'd accomplished during your time there. I KNOW he loved you very much. Maybe not as much as I do, but a lot! I know you miss him..."

I then started sobbing harshly into Val's chest as he put his hand on my head and held her close. He'd never seen a girl with a genuine relationship with her dad. All the girls he'd met out here either had dad's who left them, or dad's that didn't care about them or held something else higher.

"Shh it's ok sweetheart. I know it hurts. I know... please always remember he loved you! I know he did based on what you just told me. He sacrificed everything for you to be safe. That's what love is and your dad did just that." Val said, holding me closer.

I eventually calmed down, "Thank you Val... I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I hate crying like that."

Val smiled, "Listen, any tear you cry is beauty in itself. Why, because it means you have emotions, it means you can FEEL. Something people in Battery City can't experience."

I then stopped crying all together, that was the most beautiful thing he's ever said and she was shocked. "Wow... that was beautiful. Where did that even come from?"

Val giggled, "Honestly I don't even know... maybe you're teaching me how to be fluent in beautiful language and words."

I reassured him and then hugged him, "Sorry I'll keep going. My mom is kinda easier. Anyway, I took my dad's car to my mom's and told her what happened and she said to run. She stayed back to protect me too and told me to find a friend of mine out here, clearly I don't know if he even made it but I doubt it since I haven't seen him. Anyway, that's not important, she also sacrificed herself for me and gave me this ring I always wear on my right hand. After all that bullshit, I just ran and well... met you and now here we are!"

"I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that pain but then we wouldn't have met if you didn't escape. So I'm kinda thankful you did. I'm sure eventually you would've gone on your own, but it wouldn't have done you well." Val said.

"Thanks Val... I appreciate all of this, but what about you?" I questioned.

Val sighed, "I was only maybe about eight. I can't remember much but all I remember CLEARLY was Dracs finding my hiding place I was put in and my dad trying to save me but getting killed in front of me as well as my mom. Little eight year old me started running but took my dad's gun with me. He taught me a little on how to shoot but I learned more from people out here. Anyway, I ran into Dracs in the tunnel I left in, and I just started using what my dad taught me. I channeled all my anger and sadness into those shots and I managed to hit every single Drac. Then I escaped for good and never looked back. I've only been back once since, just to get something but that doesn't even matter. I was a kid."

"I'm sorry Val, you didn't deserve that either. Although, it explains a lot. You're still angry and hurt about what happened so every time you shoot, you channel all that anger and sadness into your shots. This traumatized you, and it happened at a young age, so all your little brain knew was to shoot and channel rage. For me, with every shot I take, I channel a different kind of pain. I know killing isn't right, and I hope if there's a soul under that mask that they forgive me." I explained.

Val's eyes widened slightly. "Wow, your mind... I wish I thought like that! I'm just so impressed with how you've handled everything. You have so much love and kindness in your heart it's incredible!"

I smiled, "Yeah, I try my best. Although, I think if I saw Korse I think that would set me off. I may be innocent but sometimes I can be extremely ruthless."

"That bitch still lives?" Val laughed.

I nodded, "Unfortunately."

"Also, you? Ruthless? I can't see it..." Val said.

"Well let's hope you never have too." I replied, biting my lip knowing full well what would happen.

Val sighed and then just took me in his arms. The two knew each other better than ever now. I hoped I could teach Val more and more over our lifetime. I hoped nothing would ever happen, or nothing would ruin this love. I truly did love him.

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