Chapter 15- The History

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                                          Chapter 15- The History

"The person we are dealing with now is the same one we have dealt with in the past," Stiles began to explain.

"Wait," Morgan called out. "Are we just going to ignore that she can literally sense death?!"

"There are more important things you need to learn about," Stiles responded. "If you are freaking out about that, you are in for some big surprises."
"Anyway," Lydia cut in. "A while ago, before Scott was an alpha, and before I even knew what I was, a new pack came into Beacon Hills."

"They were all alphas," Scott cut in.

"That doesn't make sense," Reid added. "That wouldn't work, it completely overrules the power system."

"Reid," Hotch reprimanded.

"Yeah that was part of the problem," Scott began. "In order for the members to join the group they had to kill their whole pack."

"Often larger packs will have what is called an Emissary," Derek Hale cut in. "They are druids, who guide and offer advice to the alpha. Killing the whole pack also meant killing the Emissary. In one of the cases, Kali, one of the alphas, nearly killed her Emissary, Julia, but cared too much for her, so she decided to let her die 'peacefully'."

"But she didn't," JJ filled in.

Lydia shook her head. "She crawled her way to the Nemeton. It shouldn't have had power, it had been cut down years ago, but just weeks before someone," She gestured toward Derek, "killed a virgin in the old root cellar, which brought power back to the tree. Enough to keep Julia alive until she was found."

"Julia, changed her name to Jennifer, and years later when the Alpha Pack came back to town so did she," Stiles continued, "but she was angry and wanted revenge. She became a Darak, or a dark druid. To beat the pack though she had to beat the so-called alpha of the alphas, Deucalion."

"I am just assuming here, but I take it that he is the strongest," Emily questioned.

"He is called the Demon Wolf," Scott replied. "In order to be powerful enough to beat him, Jennifer had to rely on human sacrifices and the Lunar eclipse."

"Human sacrifices?" Rossi asked.

"Lunar eclipse?" Morgan questioned at the same time.

"During a lunar eclipse werewolves lose all their power," Derek clarified.

"Virgins, Warriors, Healers, Philosophers, and Guardians," Stiles went on to explain. "She needed to complete a Threefold sacrifice on three people from each category in order to be strong enough."

"And how many did she complete," JJ asked, worry lacing her words.

"Um..." Scott began, "technically all of them, but she really only killed 12 people."

"So she finished four out of the five categories?" Hotch asked.

Stiles simply nodded.

"Why the hell weren't we called in on this case?" Emily asked. "12 people! That's Serial."

"I know," Stiles replied, "But we couldn't call you in for obvious reasons."

"You said technically," Reid cut in.

"Scott said technically when he was referring to the fact that Jennifer or I guess Julia completed all five categories," Reid clarified.

"Oh, yeah. I was getting too that. For the final sacrifices, Jennifer took Scott's mom, my dad, and Allison's dad. In order to save them we had to, in a way, sacrifice ourselves in their place."

"So you died?" Morgan questioned.

"Kind of," Lydia answered, "But that's not the important part. When they went through this process, not only did they bring power to Jennifer, they brought power back to the Nemeton. It became like a beacon for the supernatural, drawing them to Beacon Hills. The problem was that in the process of saving their parents, they left their minds open in a sense."

"When is a door not a door," Reid whispered to himself.

"What did you say?" Stiles almost immediately asked him.

"When is a door not a door," Reid replied, louder this time. "It's what the person who took me said. They asked a lot of riddles, but that one seemed important to him. He prefaced it with 'Let's see if you can answer the one he couldn't'. I didn't think much of it but now..." he trailed off. "Sorry, I'll let you explain."

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