Part 12: Paradise

Start from the beginning

"And you're still with him?"

"Well...not any more." My smile comes back to my face and Bonnie just grins wildly.

"I'm so happy to see you actually smiling again. It's like back when you first had your crush on Tom. I'm happy for you both."

"Thank you. Oddly enough- it feels different than I thought it would be."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean- I actually want to do all the cute little things for him. The second day I was here, I drove all the way to Santa Monica to his favorite bakery and picked up his favorite donut and coffee. I was dog arse tired cause I got up at the crack of dawn to go there- but I couldn't stop thinking about how happy it would make it. I feel like I'm more present with him than other guys I've been with. Like I want to have serious conversations about where we see our future going. I am enjoying being spontaneous. I think before I hated it and surprises because I felt I needed that structure so I wouldn't be disappointed. I want to do things and see the results.  I've never been this happy and excited in my life. I love him."

"Aw...and how is he? Ya know- different? Or isn't he?"

"At first it was still just the joking, laughing Tom he always is- nothing special. But I'm noticing that he's putting in the effort to look nice even if we're lounging around all day. He went and picked flowers for me while I was in the shower this morning. He's righting me love songs and huh...he actually is having serious conversations. No pulling teeth. No arguing. He is a man...finally. Haha not that I don't love his boyish ways and antics- but it's nice seeing him want me and want to make me feel special." She sits back in her chair and sips her drink, her smile growing as she sets the glass down.

"Damn- I should've swiped him while I had the chance." She laughs and I flick an olive at her. "I'm kidding! I just can't believe he actually said it. I mean Tom's not the confrontation- conversation type."

"I know! For him to say it without me having to pull his teeth- I was shocked and overjoyed."

"Do you think because you guys waited this long to kind of figure it out- that that's why you feel you want to change?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like- do you think that if you don't be spontaneous and extra cute and what not that you'll lose him or that the relationship will end up like the others? Do you think your friendship adds a bit of pressure to trying to be more than just friends?" Am I? Is there pressure on Tom and I?

"I...I don't know. I don't think so. I think that it should feel different to our friendship. I think people should be able to tel that we're lovers not just best friends who grew up together. Because if it's undistinguishable, then what's the point of calling it a romantic relationship?"

"I can see that."

We finish our lunch and as I'm dropping her off at her home, Leo calls me.


"Hey! Babe!" Gross.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Just wondering how everything's going. I haven't heard back from you in a while."

"Oh- ya know. Bonnie has me running around and stuff like that. We actually just had lunch and are doing a photo shoot in a bit."

"Yeah? What else have you been up too?"

"We went to one of her friend's plays- and she wanted to go fishing- so we did that- didn't catch anything cause- well wine haha. Other than that, the campaign video is going great. How are you?" I drive down the parkway and sit at a light, waiting for it to change.

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