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Sokka blinked rapidly as he regained consciousness, trying to sit up only to have a hand push him back down onto a soft bed. Everything was a blur to him as his eyes tried to take in his surroundings. The only thing that he could even see looked like a green blob with some white mixed into it.

However, once his vision cleared, he saw the blob was actually Suki staring right back at him, one of her hands placed on his chest to hold him down.

"Relax Sokka," she told him, "take it easy."

"Ugh, what happened?" he tried to sit back up and this time, Suki helped him instead of pushing him back down.

"We don't know," she answered, "Aang and I found you unconscious in the streets last night."

"That doesn't make any sense," Sokka grumbled, looking around to find that he was in his bedroom, "how did I get here then?"

Suki scoffed at him, "We carried you back genius."

"Oh right, of course," Sokka laughed self-consciously, his hand coming up to the back of his head, feeling a large bump there. He winced a little when his hand ran across it.

"Someone must have it you in the back of the head," Suki explained, reaching around him to grab his hand, stopping him from touching the tender skin.

"Who?" Sokka asked.

"It has to be the same guys we've been going after," another familiar voice said.

Sokka turned around to see Aang sitting on the window sill with a small letter in his hands. Upon seeing him though, a wave of worry hit Sokka for the airbender looked back at him sadly, looking like he was trying to hold back tears.

"Where's Katara?" Sokka asked nervously, his heart aching with more worry when Aang turned around to look out the window and into the bright sky in response.

Seeing that Aang wasn't going to answer, Suki answered for him, taking Sokka's hand in hers for his own comfort to the news she was about to break to him, "She wasn't there with you. They took her."

"What?" Sokka's eyes widened and he shook his head stubbornly, "No...no they couldn't have taken her. Maybe she just ran away..."

"I'm sorry Sokka," Suki squeezed his hand tighter.

He looked over to Aang for an answer and the airbender looked back at him, a couple of tears finally dripping from his eyes.

"It's true," he choked out, waving the letter that he had in front of him, "It's all explained here. We found this laying on top of you last night."

"They want Aang to meet them at their airship today, just a few hours from now," Suki continued before adding a little solemnly, "And if he doesn't they'll...they said they'll kill her."

"Well then we have to go and get her back," Sokka said desperately, "If we only have a few hours..."

"They want me to come alone," Aang interrupted, gripping the letter tightly in his hands, causing the paper to crinkle a little, "They said if I bring any one else with me they'll kill Katara anyway, whether we get there on time or not. I can't even bring Appa..."

Sokka remained quiet for a few moments before speaking up again, "Let me see the letter."

Aang nodded and walked over to him, handing him the small piece of paper before taking a seat next to his friend. He and Suki stayed silent for a few minutes to allow Sokka to read it.

"It looks like this is only part of the letter," Sokka observed after he read it, "The paper is ripped in half...where is second part?"

Suki shook her head, "we have no idea but that paper alone tells us enough."

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