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Katara awoke early, ready to begin the new day. She was always excited to go flying on Appa alone with Aang and today was no exception.

The watertribe girl climbed out of bed, wearing only her bindings, and went to her closet to pick out her traditional watertribe clothing to wear. Her closet held her other cloths like her Fire Nation outfit and her green robe she got in Ba Sing Se at the end of the war, but the Fire Nation one felt a little out of place to be worn in the South Pole and the Ba Sing Se one...she only liked to wear that for special occasions. Maybe I should wear that for the party. Aang likes it, Katara thought, or maybe I should go out shopping for something else, something a little more fitting for the watertribe. Putting on her outfit, she made a mental note to go shopping for a new dress sometime before the party that would take place in a few days.

Once she was all dressed, Katara opened her door leading out to the hallway and walked across the hall to Aang's room. She slowly opened his door and walked in to see that he was still asleep; lying on his back and as always, he only had his underwear on. She was a little embarrassed to admit it but she knew that when he was lying on his back that meant that he would be up soon. So what if I have watched him sleep a few times. I was just looking out for him that's all. Nothing more, she told herself, though she knew that if someone had found out about the nights that she would stay up watching him sleep, she would never hear the end of it.

Coming out of her thoughts, Katara walked over and climbed on her boyfriend's bed.

"Aang," she said tapping his nose with her finger, "Aang, wake up."

The only thing that accomplished though was to make the air bender grunt softly before his hand reached up to rub his nose briefly.

Katara frowned, a little annoyed that he wouldn't wake, but that soon turned into a smile when she climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. She leaned down and kissed his lips causing the boy to shift a little bit under her. He eventually began to wake up, feeling someone's lips against his.

"Huh, what," Aang said as he pulled back and saw his girlfriend on top of him, "Katara?"

"Get up sleepyhead," the girl said, leaning over him and placing her hand on his shoulders to support herself, "let's go get Appa."

"Katara, it's still early..."

"No its not," she cut him off, poking the tip of the arrow on his head, "you are just being lazy."

"I am not!"

"You are to," Katara retorted, "you've been getting lazier ever since we arrived at the South Pole."

Aang thought back on the past six months and to his surprise, she was right. He hadn't noticed it but thinking back, he had become pretty lazy. Though he was still energetic during the day, he slept in later, lounged around more, and he even realized that he had began eating more to. That's going to have to change, he told himself, might as well start now.

"Well," he said, smiling at the girl on top of him, "maybe if there was something to wake me up a little more...I could get out of bed earlier."

"Oh," Katara teased, slowly moving her head towards his so their lips we're just a few inches away from each other, "you mean something like this." She brought her lips down on his briefly, giving him a small taste of her before pulling back.

"Yeah," Aang smiled dreamily, "something like that." He put his hand on the back of her head, pulling her back down to him and began kissing her eagerly.

Katara giggled softly against his lips at his reaction as her hands began to run along his bare chest. When his hands wrapped tighter around her and began to rub her back, she squeezed his sides with her legs, earning a groan from him. The hands that were rubbing her back started to drift a little lower but before they could reach their intended target Katara broke away and hopped off Aang's bed.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now