The next several days played out in a similar fashion. They would find a clearing to make camp at during the night and fly as far as they could during the day. It took a day or two longer then Aang thought it would to reach Omashu but he suspected that it was because his bison was getting a little tired from all the flying. Appa would have his rest soon though because on the fifth day of their travels, Omashu came into sight.

"Finally" Sokka sighed with relief, looking over the front of the saddle, "it's about time."

"Would you stop complaining," Katara asked annoyed, "Really, does it ever end with you?"

Sokka turned out to glance at his sister and shrugged, "What can I say? I'm a very vocal person."

Katara just rolled her eyes before turning to look out over the saddle as well.

"It's strange," Suki said curiously, looking over the saddle with them, "It doesn't look damaged."

"They probably cleaned up most of the damages by now," Aang stated fromm Appa's head.

"It's not completely cleaned up, look," Katara said pointing down towards the bottom of the small mountain that Omashu was on top of.

Aang turned and look up at her to see where she was pointing before he followed her finger, as did Sokka and Suki. Sure enough, the wreckage of the two airships that Mai had said were destroyed was clearly visible hundreds of feet below them. Pieces of the ships were everywhere and Aang knew that they would not be able to be repaired.

"Man, I wonder how that happened," Sokka gazed at the site, shaking his head in amazement.

"I don't know," Aang said, looking away from the scene to guide Appa towards Omashu's palace, "But we are about to find out."

Zuko grunted as Mai helped him put on his robes in their bedroom. Someone had spotted the Avatar's bison in the sky and when Zuko heard word of it, he felt that he should be there to greet his friends when they arrived. Mai had been a little apprehensive of that, believing that he should just relax since he was still hurt. But with a little coaxing, he had been able to convince her to allow him to welcome Aang and the rest of his friends. She still however, insisted that she guide him out there just in case his injuries gave him trouble.

"Okay, if you really feel like you need to do this, let's go then," Mai told him, once he was all dressed.

"I'm just walking outside Mai," Zuko said, walking forward slowly, stumbling a little, "I'll be fine."

Mai quickly went to his side to help support him as they made their way through the halls of King Bumi's Palace, "I'll believe that once you are able to walk straight," she retorted.

"You try walking when your legs are filled with cuts and bandages," Zuko shot back.

"My point exactly," Mai sighed as they finally walked outside to see Appa descending down to them.

Looking around, Zuko could see that there were dozens of other palace officials gathered around to welcome the Avatar. King Bumi was one of them, not standing too far away from Zuko, who slowly made his way over to the old King with Mai's help.

"Fire Lord Zuko," Bumi smiled when Zuko stood beside him, "I didn't expect you to be out here."

"I probably shouldn't be," Zuko sighed, leaning against Mai for more support, "I feel a little exhausted by just walking here."

"Well I am sure they will be happy to see you," Bumi looked him up and down, "At least the robes cover up most of the wounds. You could look worse."

Zuko just smiled and snorted a little as he shook his head, gazing back up at the bison that would be landing in front of them within the next minute. Bumi's words did relieve him a little though. He had been slightly worried that his wounds would be too noticeable but looking down at himself, he saw that the robe did in fact cover up the majority of the bandages. If it wasn't for him leaning against Mai for support, he probably wouldn't look hurt at all.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: ReawakeningWhere stories live. Discover now