"You already have," he said looking deeply into her eyes, "You were the only thing that kept me going during the war. You were my purpose. I was doing that all for you Katara. I don't even know what I would do if I somehow lost you now. I'm not sure how I would survive."

"Well, then let's make sure we don't lose each other then okay? I can't lose you either." She told him, leaning her forehead against his as they held each other.

They could feel their breaths over each other's lips and every now and then they would lean forward to steal a few kisses but the couple was content to just lay there and hold each other. While one of Aang's hands held her waist, the other hand slowly framed her figure, running up her legs and sides, feeling her soft skin. The girl gave out a soft, contented sigh from the feeling and he began to feel goose bumps on her. The hand then moved to run up her arm before it massaged the back of her head causing Katara to close her eyes as she relaxed against him, her hands slowly drawing circles on his back.

"You know what else comes up in a few weeks?" Aang asked tiredly as sleep began to overtake him.


"Our anniversary," he whispered softly as he moved his hand from the back of her head to once again run along her body.

She smiled softly at him as she forced her eyes to stay open, wanting to feel more of his ministrations, "What are we going to do for it?"

"We'll think of something," he nuzzled his nose to hers.

"As long as I have you," she whispered, her eyes closing as sleep began to overtake her.

"You always will," was the last thing she heard as she fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

All the way across the world, not too far from the Northern Watertribe, a passenger ship sailed through the seas. After the war, the nations opened up to each other, allowing citizens from one nation to visit each other. That was exactly what the people on the ship were doing: an assortment of people from the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation all venturing into the Northern Watertribe. While most people were below the ship's deck, since they weren't used to the cold that the arctic weather brought, a few people stayed on the top where they could overlook the ocean and see the Northern Watertribe off in the distance. One of these men was a young man in his early thirties named Tau.

He was used to the cold, it was one of the advantages of growing up in the Southern Watertribe, but that was a home that he had left long ago and if he had it his way, he would never return. Like most people from the watertribes, he had tan skin and crystal blue eyes that had certain coldness to them; eyes that showed that the young warrior was haunted by past memories that he was likely to never forget. His black hair was cut short and he had small stubble on his chin. He wore a green winter coat that he had gotten from the Earth Kingdom before the ship had parted on its voyage and heavy pants that went along with it. His neck though, held his most prized possession. Around his neck, hung a small necklace with an assortment of teeth from animals hanging off of it. Many people would just discard his necklace as nothing special, but Tau knew the truth.

The necklace had once belonged to Avatar Kuruk and after his death, it had been passed down to his decedents and now, it was Tau who held it. It was something that he would never give up and when he had been captured by the Fire Nation years ago, he was grateful that he was able to make a bargain that allowed him to keep it. His hand reached up and grasped the necklace as he thought about the time he spent in the Fire Nation prisons. They had been the hardest years in his life but something good had come out of it.

"I still don't get what is so important about that thing."

Tau turned around to see his closest friend, Sorin, walking over to him. Sorin was a man who was a little older then Tau by a couple of years. His skin was pale, he had hair down to his neck and he had golden eyes like everyone else that was Fire Nation. He was the man that had helped Tau survive in prison. Sorin had betrayed the Fire Nation by handing over battle plans to the Earth Kingdom and for that he was thrown into the same prison that Tau had been held in. They quickly became friends and for Tau, prison life became bearable. Tau learned that Sorin was a gifted Fire Bender and he was one of the top ranking officers in the army before he had attempted to betray it. The two hadn't been apart since they met and when they were let out a few months ago, Tau had been grateful that Sorin had agreed to tag along with him to the Northern Watertribe.

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