More secrets spilled

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"I like Austin" I blurted out. She looked at me and said "Okay".

"I don't want him to come between us. I know we aren't that close but your closer to me than any of my family was" I said walking closer to her "Promise me this won't affect our friendship, no matter what happens". "I promise".

Hope's pov:

If he picks her our friendship is over.

Vanessa's pov:

She's lying isn't she. She doesn't have a good poker face. She walked into the room and laid on the couch near Austin and said "Goodnight". I just went back to the kitchen and finished cleaning up. After I was done I put my hair up in and bun and went to go change. I put on some underwear and a long t-shirt and grabbed my glasses and a book.

I read for hours and when I looked at the clock it was like 2 am. I put a bookmark in and closed the book. Then my door opened, "Hey" Austin said "Cute glasses". I giggled "Leave me alone" I took them off and turned off my light. He slipped in bed next to me and pulled me in close. "Night princess" and even though I tried to be happy all I could think about was Hope.

Austin's pov:

I couldn't sleep. I had this beautiful angel in my arms and I couldn't sleep. I can tell somethings wrong with her but I'm not sure what it is. I also don't know why I woke up with Hope on me and not her. Does she know that Hope isn't my sister?

Wait I honestly shouldn't even care I have a job to do. I have to protect her.


Hope's pov:

I woke up and he wasn't there. Where did he go? I checked the time and it was 4 am. I walked toward Vanessa's door and cracked it open to see her in his arms and it broke me. I quietly closed the door and went to the couch. Why didn't I realize that he likes her too. I always thought we would end up together. He's never really shown interest in me but I thought he was just scared that I might not have liked him back.

God I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have tried to make Vanessa jealous when she already had him. She wasn't rubbing it in my face. God I'm such a bad friend. I started to run my hands through my hair telling myself how I was such a horrible person. Then I started to get angry.

But I wasn't angry at myself... I was angry at her. What's wrong with her? I thought we were friends why would she do this. I'm going to get revenge on that bitch. If it's the last thing I'll do.

Vanessa's pov:

I woke up in his arms. I started tracing his tattoos trying to get my mind off Hope. I turned to face him, god he's so beautiful. His brown hair was ruffled a bit and his lips were a nice bright pink. I took my hand and softly dragged my hand on his face and through his hair before I went to go brush my teeth. Before I finished I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, "Morning" he said in a deep raspy voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Morning hot breath" I laughed.

He slapped my ass which caused me to yelp and he grabbed a tooth brush. "Why would you do that?" I pouted. "Aww I'm sorry" he said as he rubbed the spot he slapped. I hit his ass back after I put down my tooth brush and ran back to bed.

When he came back, he pulled me close to him. I tried to kiss him but he moved away. "No kisses for people that slap my ass." I pouted. "Can I please get a kiss?" he groaned and kissed me.

"Hey Austin." I said sitting up. "Yeah" he propped his head up with his arm. "What are we?" I asked. "I don't know what do you want me to be" he asked

my boyfriend. "I don't know. What do you want me to be?".

Austin's pov:

my girlfriend. "I don't know but I do know I don't want anyone else to have you" I responded.

"I don't want want anyone else to have you either" she responded. Which made my heart do summersaults. God this girl does something to me but I love it. I love her.

I just left the apartment to go meet with Vanessa's parents. I hate sneaking around to see them and her not knowing. I hate that I have to do this to her. I might have to tell her one day and she might be really mad. I know I would be.

"Austin it's good to see you again" Clarissa said.

"So it's just you? Where's Dave?" I responded. "He's out on a mission" she said. Clarissa and Dave are Vanessa's mom and dad. I me them after my parents died. They didn't actually let me do any of the work until I was 18. They wanted to keep me in school but in the end it was my decision to stop after high school and go work for them.

They've been kind of like a second family to me and I care for them and more importantly I care for there daughter. Way more than I'm being paid to care. Clarissa asks me questions she has about her daughter and we wrap up the meeting and I leave. I can't help but wonder will her parents and her ever talk every again.

I can't make them though. I'm already involved enough in her life and if I try to push them together she'll understand why I'm really in her life. Even though I'm being paid to stay in her life I would tell them to stop if I didn't need the money. There was a time in my life where I was in a really rough spot and this money is helping me out of it. I've still got debt to pay and bills. I'm lucky I still have an apartment and that the Pierce family is so generous with the pay check.

I walked in the apartment to see Vanessa sitting on the couch with her hair in a bun and her glasses on. She's writing and she looks beautiful doing it. She turns around to look at me and smiles this heartwarming smile.

I'm the luckiest guy on this planet.


Vanessa's pov:

"Hey, how was work?" I said today was so boring without him. Actually I'm gonna forget I ever said that. Getting attached easily is how I always get hurt. I mean they all leave eventually right? It won't be long before he gets tired of me. It's no ones fault but my own if he does.

"It was okay I guess, yours?" He asked plopping down next to me. "Well I got some writing done, I walked to the gym, took a shower and read at the park." I smiled. Even though what I was doing should've been considered fun.. I hate to admit it but it would've been better if he was there. "That sounds fun" he said laying in between my legs. "Yeah I guess" I mumbled as he drifted to sleep.

We sat there for hours me watching tv and playing with his hair while he slept. I contemplated braiding his hair because it would be hilarious to see his reaction but I decide not to because it would have been mean. I got up carefully being sure not to wake him up especially since he had such an awful day and I went into the kitchen for something to drink.

"You left me" I heard a deep sleepy voice say from behind me. "I just went to get some water" I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. "I could've gotten it for you" he kissed my neck giving me all sorts of butterflies. I turned around facing him and before he could walk away I grabbed his shirt and pulled him onto my lips.

After making out in the kitchen he picked me up and I smiled against his lips, and you know what happened next...

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