sleeping together?

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"So I guess it settled we are sleeping together," he said. I didn't say anything so I got up and grabbed some clothes and a towel and went to the shower. I walked into the bathroom Austin following shortly behind, "What are you doing?" I said as he started to strip. "Showering with you isn't apart of the deal". " No get out you idiot" I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him. He walked toward me and backed me into a corner, "Don't roll your eyes at me again unless you want some serious consequences, babe". He put me down and backed up. I rolled my eyes at him just to test him I mean it wasn't like he was actually gonna do something.

He pushed me back onto the wall and slipped his hand down my pants teasing me a bit. I moaned which encouraged him to shove two of his fingers in me. I tried to be as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake up Hope, "Do you like this?" he said I moaned "No I want to hear you say it", "Yes" I managed to get out. He started speeding up the pace making my breath get shakier. He kept pumping and pumping kissing my neck causing me to bit my lip harder to hid my moans. Until I finish on his fingers. He takes them out and I watch as he licks the juices off them.

Then before he gets off of me he kisses me hard and then just leaves. I lock the door to make sure he can't come in and I hop in the shower. I tried to forget that moment and just take a shower but something tells me everything is going to change.

I drenched my hair in cold water while trying to figure out exactly what I should do when I realize. Why am I thinking so hard about this? It's just casual... it's not a big deal to him it's not a big deal to me.

I got out of the shower and put a towel around my hair. I put on my clothes and ran some product through my air and decided to let it air dry. I walked out of the bathroom to find my bed all made up and everything straightened up. I smiled at the thought of Austin doing this and quickly shook it away. We are well whatever the hell we are. I don't even have a name to explain what we are just friends I guess.

 I walked out of my room to find Austin on the couch, "Where's Hope? Has she come out or is she still asleep?" I said on my way to the kitchen. "No, I think she's still asleep". I walked over to the couch and sat down on the couch with a bag of pretzels and grabbed the remote. I was watching tv and eating pretzels when Hope came out of the room and plopped on the sofa. "Hey I was wondering when you were gonna come out of your room sleep head" I laughed at her. She crawled over to my lap and laid on it "Shh be quiet it, my head".

"Aww poor baby" I said rubbing your head "Have a pretzel" she chuckled and took one. "Austin go get her some ibuprofen". 

"Yes ma'am" he said as he walked to the kitchen. When he came back he brought two waters and a bottle of ibuprofen. He gave Hope what she needed and then handed me a bottle of water and said "For your pretzels". I smiled at him and turned my attention back to the tv. I mean it was just a bottle of water not a confession of his love or some dumb shit. 

After watching tv for a while I decided I should go continue writing because I haven't done shit in days. I should be fired dead ass. I'm lucky I don't have to go into the office, I changed into some comfortable clothes, put on my favorite playlist, and started writing. When I finished writing a few chapters I read them and checked my email from anything from my boss. Turns out later this week I have to go into the office and have a meeting with them about my book which means I have to have the first half of my book finished by this Wednesday.

I replied and got back to working on some ideas for how I am going to approach the end of the book and the events in between. I'm trying whether I want the main character to have a happy ending or if I should leave her in heart break or despair so I could write a second book or even make it a series.

After  putting some ideas and typing down two different versions of the ending I decided on what I wanted to happen and I sent the chapters I finished to my editor. I wonder what the meeting this week was be about... What if they don't like the book? 

Even though I didn't really talk about it a lot to anyone I've always wanted to be a writer. It's always what spoke to me and intrigued me the most. Even though my parents always shitted on my decision to become a writer I didn't quit and look where I am now. Writing my first god damn book, I wonder what they would say now. Probably the same thing they said years ago, "Stop writing and come work with the force. If you don't then don't bother coming back to this house.".

I haven't been back since and I'm so glad I haven't been. I still talk to my siblings but we will never have that close relationship. We will only be related by blood. We aren't in any way alike and I'm not sure we even love each other. We just know each other or I guess once knew each other.

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