A Pound of What

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I sat in the corner of the room... breathing heavily. I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. Have you ever seen a darkness that is darker than dark? It's what I see right now, and I don't know how I am going to get out of here alive.


I sat up quickly in bed, a cold sweat forming on my forehead. That dream was so real, too real almost. It felt like I was actually there, I was thinking and I was moving, but I couldn't wake up.

I shook my head and pulled myself out of my mountain of pillows to look around my room. It was simple, yet still conveyed that someone actually lived there. I didn't tend to decorate my walls very much, but the surfaces were littered with small items from crystals and tarot cards, to phone chargers and empty water bottles.

"Cori!" I heard the shout ring out from across the apartment. It was one of my friends, home from work.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled back, dragging myself out of bed. I shook my head as I stood up and stretched, another day another dollar.

I walked out into the living room and saw my roommate and her boyfriend, who also lives with me, sitting on the couch.

"Hey, I mean, if I wanted to sell a pound of weed I could do it," Adam was insisting.

"Homie, you cannot move a pound of weed in a single day," Delilah  replied, rolling her eyes with exasperation.

"What did I just walk into?"  I asked sarcastically, as if they were going to give me a straight answer.

"Home boy said he can move a pound of weed in a day if he wanted to. I'm sitting here thinking man if you even have a pound of weed you are going to schmoke it before it ever has a chance to hit the streets, man," Delilah answered with a smirk.

I cracked up laughing and replied, "I mean, if we really wanted to..."

We all began to laugh and I thought to myself, this was going to be an amazing summer. I am about to buy a house for me and the homies and we were going to spend our 20's living life like tomorrow didn't exist. We want to see the 7 continents, and the 7 seas. Confidence was always a major key to life in my book. You might be crumbling on the inside but if your bullshit game was strong enough then you could weasel your way into wherever you wanted to go.

"Alright homies, I need to start work for the day," I said to them as I crossed the house to my dining room.  I work in social media and influencer management so my computer is basically my life. When I'm not trying to summon a devil and curse my enemies, of course.

I hopped onto the computer and started doing what I do every day. Replying to emails, and making myself useful. A couple hours went by with the clock moving at the speed of light. Time flies when I work because I enjoy every single second of it.


My head snapped up and I hit the pause button on my music. My bedroom door just slammed on its own. What the actual hell... My hands were shaking as I got up to investigate. Delilah was in Adam's room along with the dog and the three cats. My bedroom door was on the other side of the house. The air was off and the windows were closed.

I probably should've been more afraid than I was. But I had been tormented by this entity for a long time.

I pulled a small baggie of salt out of a drawer in my desk. It was always useful to have a small bit of extra protection around. I also lit a small white candle.

Let me explain something about what my beliefs are really quickly. I used to be an agnostic atheist. Until I saw a demon. This demon in fact, when I was 17.

I'll explain more later but that gives you a bit of a frame of reference for my confidence in the face of evil.

I pulled open the bedroom door and the room was fine, nothing else had moved, just the door.

I sighed and went back to work.

I wondered how fast this was going to progress. I had been seeing omens for months.

My mom told me recently
that she and my grandpa are also psychic, and so is my brother. The interesting part, is so am I.

I recently had a tarot draw that said I'm missing something big in my quest to find the meaning of these omens. Let me take you back... to a time when I didn't know I was psychic...

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