Head Cannons #2

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This was a suggestion from@hal649. Sorry I took such a long brake. I have been stressed out and had to take a brake with everything that was going on in the world. I hope you guys like this and I hope to be more active in the future, especially since I got a new computer for Christmas and no longer have to use the app.

- Okay so, Herbert is a mess

-We know this. He can't understand his feelings as a normal human let alone understand if he had feelings for another person

-Poor boy would most likely not understand what was happening and try to avoid you at all costs. He would spend as much time as he could in the basement.

-If nothing changes and you continue to try to interact with him, he would turn to asking Dan what was happening.

-After laughing at his roommate, Dan would help Herbert and explain to him that he had feelings for you.

-At first Herbert would deny it as much as he could before realizing that it was affecting his work. Once this happens he would finally talk to you about it.

-Being Herbert, he would be very straight forward, and wouldn't really care if you did not return his feelings as he believes once he tells you, he can get back to his work.

-If you tell Herbert you feel the same. He won't make a big deal about it.

-When the two of you start dating, Hebert wouldn't show it very well, but he would try to spend more time with you, inviting you down into the basement to keep him company while he works, or walk with you to your classes.

-I feel like Herbert would get jealous easily

-If someone is flirting with you, Herbert will make it known that you two are a couple. He'll push his was between the two of you and stare the person down until they feel uncomfortable and leave, if they don't Herbert is not afraid to insult them.

-This has lead to you and Dan having to interject before Herbert get's beaten to a pulp.

-Once the two of you have been dating for a few years, he may consider you to be more important than his work. Although, don't ask him to choose between you or his work because he will choose his work no matter what.

-You would have to force this rat to sleep every once and a while and stop him from shooting up his reagent. You would also have to force him to eat and have a normal schedule, but don't push him too much as he may get annoyed and lock himself in the basement and you'll be back at square one.

-Because his schedule is messed up, I have a feeling he constantly has no idea what day it is. He will most likely forget important events or days, but if he sees that you care about these holidays a lot, he would try his best to remember these and do something special for you.

-Even if he doesn't show it, Herbert does care for you, he's just not good with showing his emotions


Sorry this is so short, I'm just getting back into the groove of writing and haven't done this in a while. I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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