"Good morning Miss Woods!"

"Good morning Bryan. Do you know which bus I'll be on?"

"Well the boys have actually requested that you stay on their bus with them for the tour."

"Oh.... um.... what about the other girls?"

"They'll be on bus number three which is where we had you originally. If you want to you can switch between the two busses."

I had to think for a second. Did I want to share a bus with the boys? What if I got uncomfortable? Then again Bryan said I could always switch back and forth if I wanted to.

"Sure I'll try switching around a little bit."

"Sounds great! If you want to leave your big suitcases here we can put them on the bus for you."

"Ok thank you. Oh and um.... which bus is it?"

"Number one."

"Ok thanks."

"I hope you have a good time Miss Woods,"  he smiled before walking away and ordering who I assumed were security guards to get my luggage.

There were three busses. One for the boys and I, one for the female crew members and one for the male crew members. I went to bus number one as I was told to. When I entered the bus I saw a room with bunks that were covered with privacy curtains. There was a walkway between the bunks that lead to a door. I walked over to it and pushed the button. The door slid open revealing a kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. And sitting in the living room was none other than One Direction.

"Hey roomie,"  Liam giggled.

"Why the hell did you want me to stay with you?"  I asked them.

"Well our bus is much nicer. And we want only the best for our princess," Niall said.

"Whatever,"  I said as I walked over to sit on one of the two couches that they were sat on. I chose to sit down on the couch by the window. I sat to the left of Louis who had Liam on his right. Niall and Harry were sat on the other couch that was placed so that the couches formed an L shape. I pulled out my phone to make sure it was charged for our trip that would take more than a day.

"So are you excited for the beach beautiful?"  Harry asked me.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Did you pack a nice bikini to wear?" Niall questioned with the all too familiar smirk on his face.

"Yes Niall. I did."

"Why don't you put it on for us?"

"I don't have it with me. It's in my other bag."

As if it was on cue a man walked in with my bags and set them in the doorway.

"Here's you bags Miss Woods,"  the man said.

"Oh, thank you."

Then he left as fast as he had come in.

"No excuse now princess,"  Niall laughed.

"Ugh fine. But then you're not making me do anything else for the rest of the day. Ok?"

"Whatever you want darling,"  Liam said.

I rolled my eyes and stood up to go grab my bag from the floor. I rummaged through the piles of things in my suitcase before finding the bathing suit. Then I went to the bathroom to change, making sure to give Niall a dirty look before shutting the door.

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