The text

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Not in text messages

Remus was reading cozily by the window of his and Lily's apartment. He rotated between reading the words on the page and gazing at the stars. He was always a bit of a nerd. He was especially into astronomy. He wanted to be a teacher in it one day. It was winter so the constellation Orion was clearer. Just below Orion was the constellation Canis Major which includes many stars like Wezen, Adhara, Aludra, Mirzam and its brightest, Sirius also known as the "Dog Star". It was Remus' favourite constellation. Probably because his five year old self had an obsession with dogs and decided to get into astronomy after finding that constellation.

It was in these thoughts that Remus' phone buzzes. He opened his messages hoping to find out wether his other roommate, Peter, was on his way home or not. Instead he was greeted by an unknown number.

Odd, he thought as his eyes narrowed on the screen and he opened the message.

Unkown: 1:23 AM

Pickkk my up Im wazted
Jaemes! Plwase

Remus was alarmed by the messy typing. The texter was for sure wasted as he said. The persons finger must have slip when trying to pull up this 'Jaemes' characters number.

Remus rolled his eyes and typed a quick reply.

Sorry, wrong number.

No thus us james

*this is
And no, this isn't James. You're clearly drunk and texted the wrong number.

Ok than
Whi are u

A random person. Delete this number.

You srem cool

I'm really not. Please stop texting me and go find your buddy James.

Jenes is comming
Hey you didnt di that star thing

That star thing? You mean correcting you?

U dud it again

Remus slaked his palm into his forehead. This person was definitely drunk.

You sure are bright when you're drunk, aren't you?
Have a nice hangover tomorrow, random stranger. Delete this number when you're sober and for now stop texting me.

Not lave me$

Remus stared at the text and resisted the urge to correct them. Correcting people was a bad habit of his when it came to texting.

He turned his phone on silent and padded over to his room before flopping down on the bed and soundly falling too sleep. In the back of his mind he hoped the drunk person would be okay. At least if he did get hurt he might leave Remus alone. One can only hope.

Unknown: 7:21 AM

I'm so sorry!
My drunk self was very rude.

Remus stared at the message and frowned. Was this person seriously texting him again.

No. Your drunk self was very annoying. Apparently that's something drunk and and sober you have in common. What part of 'when you're sober delete this number' did you not understand?

I thought you were joking

Another thing the two versions of you have in common: you both are idiots.

:( Now your being rude.

Please delete this number and leave me alone.

Someone has OCD.

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