Lucy giggled.  "You're always screwing up, Gwen."

I exhaled loudly, making my bright red bangs flop on my forehead, before lifting my crystal teal-blue wand and aiming it at Connie.  "Now this will only take about a minute, Connie.  Think you can sit still for me while I fix you up?"

"Of course, Gwen," Connie closed her mouth tightly after speaking, and held out her injured paw for me.  I directed my wand down towards the injury, and invoked the spell that would heal her.

"Great wind and fire, spare this paw of anymore ire, and lead it back to the form desired.  Sanatio Aura!"  After finishing the spell, a small heated gust of wind blew through the open window and cupped Connie's paw in it's embrace, staunching the flow of blood and healing the injury completely, before the wind dissipated from view.  I sighed.  "All done."

Lucy hopped up and down as Connie barked excitedly, spinning in circles on her now healed paw, and I smiled.  "Now try not to let her go out on her own so much, okay?"  I patted Lucy's blond head, and she wrapped her arms tightly around my waist in thanks.

"Thanks, Gwen.  You're the best big sister ever."  Lucy nuzzled her face in my still wet shirt, and I laughed while hugging her tightly back.  Another knock sounded at the door, and I pulled away from Lucy's embrace to go answer it.

I opened the large oak wooden door, only to find no one there.  I frowned.  "Hello?"

"Up here!"

"Hmm?" I lifted my head upwards, only to find a floating piece of paper in my doorway.  I tilted my head and reached up to grab it, when it suddenly scolded me, "How rude!  Don't you know it's not polite to grab at your guests?"

I blinked rapidly, quickly retracting my hand as the piece of paper flew inside my home.  I closed the front door behind me and hurriedly went after it.  "I-I'm sorry, it's just-," I glanced over at Lucy, who was staring up at the floating piece of paper in awe.  I cleared my throat.  "I don't usually get. . .a piece of paper, as a guest quite that often."

"Who are you calling 'a piece of paper'!?  I am the Brickstone Magic Academy Acceptance Letter."

Lucy and I exchanged an incredulous look, Connie sitting quietly on the work table while watching the whole exchange.  "Is this for real?  This isn't just some silly magical prank?" I asked carefully, my heart pounding fearfully in my chest.

"Of course I'm the real thing!  Why else would I be here talking to a future student--who, by the way, happens to be drenched head-to-toe--about attending Brickstone Magic Academy first thing tomorrow morning?"

I blinked rapidly.  Then I squealed and began dancing around in circles with Lucy, Connie cheering me on from the work table, Lucy squealing along with me.  "I can't believe it!  I can't believe it!" I cried, and finally stopped bouncing around enough for me to wipe my eyes of the oncoming tears.  "I'm finally going to Brickstone Magic Academy!"

"I'm so proud of you, Gwen!" Lucy shrieked, and gripped my waist tightly.  "I'm going to miss you, big sister!"

I clutched Lucy tightly to me.  "I'm going to miss you, too, Lucy.  But at least now I can learn to hone my Magic properly.  And I promise you I'll be back some day."

Lucy sniffled, and held up her pinky.  "Pinky promise?"

I wrapped my pinky around hers, and smiled.  "Pinky promise."


I exhaled lowly and opened my eyes only to gasp at what I was seeing.  The Acceptance Letter had told me that Brickstone Magic Academy had Uniforms, and so after a quick spell, the Acceptance Letter had magically made a school Uniform appear on me.  The clothing consisted of a plain white blouse with a black necktie tucked beneath a silvery-gray petticoat with black trimming, a matching silver-gray frilly skirt with black trimming as well, black knee high socks, and a pair of black flats covering my feet as I twirled in front of the mirror in my new Uniform that following morning.

I grinned.  "I still can't believe this is really happening," I breathed excitedly, and grabbed all my luggage before dragging it outside.

"Yes, well, it is, so let's get a move on now, Ms. Gardens," the Acceptance Letter hurried me out of my cottage home, and I frowned down at all my bags that I had packed just last night after sending Lucy and Connie home.

"How am I going to carry all this to the school?" I asked, and the Letter floated down towards my bags.

"Allow me.  Just hold onto the bag that you want to carry with you the most."  I blinked, before grabbing hold of my dark green satchel bag, draping it over my shoulder since it had a picture of my Mom and Dad along with my other personal items in it.  The Letter then began to glow a bright white, and a small magical pink bubble appeared around all my other luggage, before it popped soon after, and all my stuff was gone.

"Hey!  What happened to all my things!?" I shrieked, looking around everywhere for my bags while the Letter just floated idly by my head.

"Relax.  I just transported it to the school so that we could have a faster trip this way."  The Letter fluttered gently in the small country breeze.

I blinked.  "Are we going to travel magically as well?" I asked, my voice hopeful.

"No.  We're taking the Train."

"Oh," I said, my shoulders sagging with disappointment.  "Alright then."

"Yes, yes, now let's get a move on."  The Acceptance Letter flew off down the road, and I hurried after it before stopping in my tracks, looking back at my old cottage home one more time, and smiled.  I'll make you proud, Mom and Dad.

And then with that last thought, I raced after my new future.


A/N: So obviously it's not very good, but then again, stories that come from boredom never are, but I have the feeling that it'll get better as it progresses XP


Burning Butterfly (Prefect #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz