Chapter 4

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Joanna and Simon are fighting a small pack of Beowolves, the two fought pretty well together. They were down to the last Beowolf, so Joanna takes it head on. She punches the creature's snout, then grabs its ears and throws it into the air. Then Joanna jumps high up into the air, lassos the Grimm, pulling it towards her and slices through it with her sword. The young huntress in training lands on one knee as the Grimm dissipates into black smoke. 

"That was awesome." Simon said.

"Thanks." Joanna replied.

There was the sound of rustling bushes causing Simon and Joanna to immediately whip around and bear their weapons. Luckily, it wasn't another Grimm, it was just another pair of students. It was Carter and another boy with dark black hair and blue eyes.

"Welp...looks like our team's full. Hi again, Joanna, this is my new partner, Thomas." Carter said.

"Hello, this is my partner, Simon." Joanna greeted.

"Come on, team, lets go!" Thomas said before sprinting off, Carter following close behind.

"That grumpycat friend of yours isn't gonna be pissed that you and her aren't on the same team, is she?" Simon quietly asked Joanna.

"Yeah...I'll probably never hear the end of it. I just hope she can forgive me." Joanna sighed.

"Forgive you?? didn't do anything wrong. You couldn't control who you ran into out here. What the h*ll kind of friend makes you feel guilty for things that aren't within your control?" Simon said confused.

"Look, Simon, I appreciate your concern, but it's not needed. You don't know Sophia like I do, she's my best friend, so I would like it if you would mind your own business, please." Joanna said hooking her lasso to her belt and placing her sword on her back.

"Okay, got it, but if you ever need someone to talk to other than Sophia, you can always come to me." Simon told her.

"Are you saying that because we're partners now?" Joanna asked.

"No, I'm saying it cause you're my friend." Simon replied.

"I-I have Sophia...I don't need other friends." Joanna mumbled eyes down casted.

"*sigh* You may not consider me your friend, but I consider you mine, so I'm gonna have your back and trust you." Simon said reaching up to pat Joanna's shoulder.

"I...I trust you, too, just wanna let you know that." Joanna said.

"I do. Come on, let's catch up with the others." Simon nodded.

They catch up with their other two teammates, then the four of them make their way back towards the academy. Along the way they run into a King Tijutsu, and Joanna instantly takes the lead, and the other three didn't seem to mind so they followed. During the fight, Joanna learned that Carter had a speed-type semblance and that Thomas was almost as strong as she was. After delivering a lot of hits to the monster, Joanna lassos both of the Grimm's heads then drives her sword into the ground so she could hold the creature still.

"Thomas and Simon, shoot at the underside of its necks! Carter, sever its heads!" Joanna ordered.

The three boys agree with her plan and take action. Thomas and Simon use their weapons in gun form to shoot at the Grimm while Carter waits for the right moment to make his move. The King Tijutsu tries to break free, but Joanna digs her heels into the ground and tightens her grip on her lasso, pulling the Grimm's heads down. When the heads were right where Carter wanted it, he strikes fast and hard with his weapon, cutting them clean off. With the Grimm dead and gone, the set of four teens continue their journey towards Haven Academy. They were one of the first ones to arrive back at the school. 

"Now that all the teams have made it back, lets give out the team names." the headmistress announced.

One by one each team name was given out, Sophia ended up on Team TRQS(turquoise), and did not look happy at all. Soon all that was left was Joanna's team.

"And finally we have; Joanna Athens, Simon Knight, Thomas Clarkent, and Carter Westallen; and they will be Team JSTC(justice)." declared the headmistress.

After all the teams have been named they are sent to their assigned dorms. When Joanna was done putting her stuff in her room, she goes out and looks for Sophia's dorm. 

"Joanna!" Sophia shouted, angrily stomping up to her friend. 

"Oh, hiii Sophia!" Joanna replied smiling and waving.

"Don't 'hiii Sophia' me, you jerk! You didn't partner up with me, why!?!" Sophia asked frowning and folding her arms.

"Because I was unable to find you, that's why. I'm sorry, but Simon was the first person I ran into." Joanna replied apologetically.

"Simon!? You mean that a**whole who tried to be your friend and take you away from me!?! Why did you choose to be his partner!?" Sophia yelled.

"I didn't choose to be his partner! I just happened to run into him! Sophia...why are you being so mean to me?" Joanna said.

"Mean? I'm not being mean! I'm just upset that my best friend broke her promises!" Sophia replied.

"What promises are you talking about?" Joanna asked.

"! You are such a terrible friend! How could you forget that you promised that we'd be partners and on the same team!? And you're calling me the mean one??" Sophia cried.

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean for any of this to happen this way, I didn't mean to break my promise. And I'm sorry I called you mean, I'm sorry." Joanna said, upset that she made her friend upset.

"Well...if you're so sorry, then I guess I could forgive you. You're just lucky that you're my friend and I love you, or else you'd be in serious trouble." Sophia said wiping away her tears quickly.

Sophia hugs Joanna, who reluctantly hugs back. Happy now, Sophia wishes Joanna goodnight and goes back to her dorm. Joanna is left standing in the hallway wondering why she keeps messing up and making her best friend upset with her. Around the corner was Simon, Thomas, and Carter; they had seen everything and they did not like what they saw. They equally agreed that Sophia was a horribly toxic friend and that they needed to find a way to help Joanna realize this so that she can be in a truly happy friendship with someone that won't treat her like crap.

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