Personality: Loves warm hugs, and doesn't mind being picked up. He is a very shy cat who likes to hide, he seeks leadership in Rusty and expects Rusty to speak up for him. But once he gets used to you, he turns out to be very playful, sweet, energetic, and sometimes very loud.

Alright. The description for this cat matched the description I had for Alex, so obviously we had to get it. Plus Rusty already seemed amazing. I turned around and headed over to a lady who was standing behind a desk, which had a gray counter-top and a computer on it.

I walked through a couple low shelves that contained pet items such as catnip, balls, bones, bird food. I decided I might need some of these things, so I bought a litter box, litter, a couple cat toys, some catnip and some other thing that had the word cat on it so might as well buy it.

"I'd like cat #12 and #11," I told the lady at the desk, my voice muffled from my mask.

"Of course! I'll help you get set up," The lady said, I could tell they where smiling from how their eyes wrinkled a bit and glimmered slightly.


"WHERE THE FRICK IS JOHN!?" I screeched, even though I was alone in my house.

He had disappeared an hour ago! With no note! I think he said something earlier about going out to grab something, but going out to get food doesn't take an hour! What if he was kidnapped? What can I do? I can't run around the entire city to try and find him-

Oh wait.

I can text him. 

"I'm and idiot," I mumbled out loud, slipping my phone out of my pocket.

Hamilini: Where are you?

A couple minutes passed.

Hamilini: WHERE ARE YOU?

A couple more minutes.


Turtleini: Omg. This is... wow. I never thought this day would come! YOU MADE A TYPO! *Where

Hamilini: Thank god you're alive!

Turtleini: Ive got a surprise for youuu

Hamilini: *I've *you *.    What is it?

Turtleini: That would ruin the surprise

Hamilini: *.  >:(

Turtleini: Ill be home in a couple min

Hamilni: *I'll *Minutes   okay!

Thank Lin he's alive! That reminded me about James. Thank Lin James is alive! He is supposed to visit tomorrow. I should probably clean up the house. I walked over towards the kitchen, where there was hoards of dishes clogging the sink from half a year ago.

I sighed, grabbing a sponge. Then something happened- I'm not sure what, but I'm now on the floor with something disgusting smelling yet really fluffy and soft in my face. 

I didn't know what to do. Was I being kidnapped? What this some kind of weird fabric that would make me pass out? But then I heard laughter- John's laughter. So I'm not dying, because he wouldn't be laughing. But then the fluffy thing MOVED! I think I accidentally let out a screech.

Then the fluffy thing was lifted off of my face and I started squealing because the fluffy thing WAS A LITTLE GRAY CAT! AND IT WAS SO CUTE! John held it in one hand, another cat sitting on his shoulder. The second cat was orange-red-ginger flame colors, and it looked very scared.

"CAT CHILDREN!" I shrieked, pushing myself to my feet.

"Multiple!" John laughed. 

I made grabby hands and John passed over the little gray cat.

"What are their names?" I asked, very concentrated at hugging this cat, who seemed totally chill about it.

"This one is Rusty, and that one is anything with the word gray in it," John said, pointing at the flame-cat and the gray one.

"Hello Grayface," I smiled, rubbing my cheek on the cats cheek.

"Please don't name it that," John laughed, putting the flame one on the ground.

Rusty ran up to Grayface, and he jumped from my arms. Both the cats then ran off together towards the couch. A moment later, John carried a paper bag up the stairs, plus a litter box. He set it all on the table then left the house again, later to come back up the stairs and into our home with a large purple bag of cat litter.

"I'm naming it Gray-Gray," I decided.

"That's- no," John rolled his eyes. "What about just Gray? Or Gray... rock."

"That's even worse," I complained.

"Graystripe?" John suggested, and I looked over to the cat, realizing that it had a darker gray stripe running down it's spine.

"Eh," I grunted.

"Yeah, not that good," John shrugged.

Wow. I had a family again! I have my brother, I have my John, I have my cat children. What could possibly go wrong now?

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