8 - Vs. Irydian Abomasnow

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The Irydian Abomasnow towered over Bazel, who barely stood at just under six feet - a regular Abomasnow was generally just over seven feet - this massive Pokémon was at least twice his height. There was no hope to hide from this monster, Bazel either had to fight or flee. 

In no time, the Abomasnow slammed his fists down, purple energy flowing from the points of impact and spreading like tendrils through the snow, the decay and rot that followed had expunged into air. The scent quickly triggered his gag reflex and encouraged Bazel's undershirt to cover his nose. The hunter barely had time to duck and dodge as poison jabs attacked in a flurry. 

The attacks continued, finishing with the Abomasnow deftly spinning for a backhand, once again Bazel dodged - yet the air around him violently assaulted him next. His legs and arms began to feel numb, preventing him from reacting to the next toxic punch in time.


Blood mixed with sweat as Bazel flew backwards, the red drops freezing as they exited his mouth onto the ground. His body tumbled down the hill ten feet before coming to a stop.

"Shit..." The blow didn't hurt as much as he thought, but his breathing felt as though he was inhaling sludge and bile. 

Mental note, poison sucks...

Hands quickly darted into his bag, but no antidote was to be found. He hadn't packed one thinking that he would only run into a few Snover. Instead he found a canister, firework and match. His eyes darted up the hill, but the Abomasnow wasn't to be seen.

Where did it go?!

Bazel stabbed the canister into the ground and lit the firework, within seconds it soared into the sky and a orange-red flower of sparks bloomed.

"SNOOOOOOW" The deafening roar cried out behind him as the Pokémon slammed down again with it's purple fists, but the icy wind no longer was affecting Bazel. He ran forward and pivoted on the spot, spitting out venomous saliva and drawing forth his greatsword. On it's hilt, a single jewel began to glow. It was his turn to attack.

Before the Irydian Abomasnow could use Icy Wind again, Bazel activated his decoration - String Shot. He had culled numerous Caterpie to get materials for the Professor,  that he eventually came across a bright yellow one. It was this Caterpie that the skill was extracted from. The Smithy had said that only the abnormal Pokémon are able to have the gems extracted from them, that day he had learned what she meant was what others collectively referred to as the shiny form of Pokémon, in reference to the first discovery of a golden Magikarp. 

Upon activating the decoration, Bazel's mind was filled with a clear image of how to use the skill, as though it was a part of him. He extended his left hand and pointed his index and middle finger towards the Abomasnow, the sticky String Shot immediately flying towards the Pokémon and entangling around his swinging fists. Bazel strafed around it, catching the beast in the webbing enough to slow it down drastically, then jumped forward with greatsword overhead. 

The blade came down and viciously cut into the Abomasnow's shoulder blade. It's cry surged through dead air and launched Bazel back with wind pressure alone, but it didn't stop him. His blade planted into the ground to prevent himself from flying back, Bazel hoisted his body over it and drew the greatsword out with the momentum to slash downwards again, though this attack barely cut into the Abomasnow's front.


Just as the Snover, the Abomasnow's vines stretched out into the ground, drawing energy from it, however the ground they threaded formed purple with decay. it's body started to naturally heal up much to Bazel's dismay. 

"Don't you dare!" Nimble footsteps sloshed through the snow as Bazel hurried forward and slashed vigorously at the vines, cutting many but parried slightly by the Pokémon. He tumbled to his right, ignoring the newly rotted earth to slash at the beast's flank. It yelped in agony, it's eyes glowing red and body light blue. The ground began to quake as a rumble came from above.  


Bazel started to run, yet a green ring of energy caught at his legs, tripping him, just as his String Shot had affected Abomasnow. His eyes glanced back at the Pokémon, but only saw indifference reflected back. It knew that the human had no chance against the force of nature coming for it. 

Just as Bazel's life started to flash, a concentrated beam of light scored across the mountain top, stopping the surging snow in it's path. He recognized the attack from his days in competition. 

"Hyper Beam!" His eyes quickly darted upwards towards the sky to see a young man riding an Aerodactyl rapidly descending. The signal he had shot up worked and brought backup. The Aerodactyl was fully wrapped in a strange harness, more restrictive than the ones that trainers usually used for flying with their Pokémon. It was one that someone would use to control a wild Pokémon. The Aerodactyl was also easily ten feet tall.

The young man on the back of the Pokémon grunted, "Oi, you shot the signal?"

"Oh uh, yeah!" Bazel had forgotten briefly about the situation he was in and immediately turned around, "There was an Irydian Abomasn-" He trailed off, the beast was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmmm Irydian Abomasnow can be nasty - I've seen a man that one used Ingrain on someone, poor guy was found a week later nearly fully decomposed. We'll have to submit to the Hunter Association when we get back to put up a request for it." 

Bazel nodded, trying to avoid picturing the fate that was described. "So can you help me carry the Snover I captured back to camp? Dragging them doesn't sound to be the most fun process."

The man guffawed, "Of course, what do you thing we do in R and R?"

The firework that was sent skyward was the signal for the Rescue and Retrieval division that someone needed help or that a monster was hunter or captured to be brought back. Bazel had only heard of the rescue portion of their services. 

"Great, thanks for the help. They should be up the hill over there." Bazel indicated as he climbed atop the back of the Aerodactyl. "By the way, the name is-"

"You haven't earned one yet boy, just focus on your hunts."

He couldn't help but frown, "Oh and what's your name then?"

"They call me Clown, though I can't imagine why." His boisterous laughter reverberated through the air as the Pokémon took to the sky.

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