Chapter two

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I was studying my math textbook because I had nothing better to do at the moment.

My phone started reading and I shot up to get it as quickly as possible.

I couldn't suppress the smile on my face when I saw that it was Marinette who was FaceTiming me.

I grabbed my earbuds as quickly as possible and plugged them in as I answered.

As the call connected, I waited to see Marinette's smiling face.

Finally, the call was connected and I could see Marinette posing so that her face was at a weird angle on the camera.

As soon as I saw her, I burst out laughing and she did the same as she fixed the camera.

And that's what we did for the next few hours. Laughed and talked and laughed and talked. There was a lot of blushing on my side but Mari didn't seem to notice.

"Anyway... how was you day at school?" I asked as I got over my laughter.

Marinette's smile turned to a pout and I instantly regretted asking the question.

"It was amazing until Lila had to show up half a day late and convinced Ms. Bustier to let Adrien help her catch up on work the whole day." Marinette grumbled and I narrowed my eyes.

Marinette told me about Lila and honestly I can't tell why no one can tell that she's lying. Her lies aren't even good. She's sloppy and doesn't cover her tracks well. And maybe I hate her so much because of what she has done to Marinette.

"I would really love to get a real sword and take care of her if you know what I mean." I growled and that at least made Marinette laugh. "But don't worry. Adrien wouldn't cheat on you, Marinette."

"How was your day at school?" Marinette tossed the question back to me and I shrugged.

"It was very much the same as always." I sighed. "My class is a bunch of stuck up selfish and bland bimbos."

"You go to an all girl school, right?" Marinette asked as she twirled a price of yarn around her finger.

I nodded. "But they all have the personality of a sparkly brick."

Marinette laughed and dropped the yarn. "So then I guess asking if you have any crushes is a stretch?"

I was about to agree when I thought of something. "Well what makes you say that?"

Marinette blinked as she looked at me in confusion. "You said they all have the personality of a sparkly brick right? You wouldn't have a crush on a sparkly brick."

I could feel my face flush red as I scolded myself for thinking that Marinette could be homophobic.

"Oh, you thought I was saying that because they're girls?" Marinette realized and I nodded, embarrassed. "I don't care who you love, Kagami. As long as they treat you right because you deserve the world."

Marinette smiled at me and her cheeks turned pink. My face was probably like a tomato.

I heard someone walk into Marinette room and she looked toward them.

"Hey mom, what's up?" She asked.

"It's time to go to bed, sweetie. You can't stay up so late every night calling your girlfriend." Marinette's mom replied as she flicked the lights off.

I heard Marinette's shriek from in the darkness and I was quite sure my heart had almost burst.

"Mom!" Marinette cried, and I tried to hide my smile by slapping my hand over my mouth. "Kagami is just friend. Besides you know I'm with Adrien."

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