The perverts

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Possibly extremely short chapter sorry in advance.

Alaric's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of someone trying to break into my room via the window when I got up I noticed it was the two perverts from before and when they saw it was me and not the girls they were shitting themselves but before they could leave school grounds I jumped through the window and I landed so I was able to pin them face first to the ground the noise woke everyone up.

"What's happening?" Aizawa "Who are they?" Mina "W-what a-are t-they d-doing h-here?" Tsu and Kyoka. "Do you know them?" Aizawa asked the two girls but instead of answering they lookd at me with pleading eyes so I nodded and then looked at Aizawa "sensei these two were banned from entering every school grounds that has a hero course due to the fact that they tried to do something illegal" "and that is?" He asked.

I looked at the girls they nodded yes then I explained everything that transpired between the five of us. Then the two boys explained how they escaped but didn't mention as to who it was that helped them.

After an hour the two boys were arrested once more but got sent to my parents by order of Nezu but he didn't and still doesn't know that they'll be food for my mom. "Oh boy do I feel sorry for them" I said catching everyone's attention. "And why is that?" Nezu asked after they already got sent off to my parents. "Simple one thing you should know about vampires when they drink blood of a person or another vampire they will get that person's/vampire's memories and my mom only needs a small amount to figure out the correct punishment for those two you just delivered to her yeah they will need to pray to kami for forgiveness" everyone except for Tsuyu, Kyoka, Izuku, Momo and Nezu wanted to vomit from this revelation.

"Look we don't want to feed like this we have no choice" Momo said "she's right you know because if there was an alternate way to do this then she would do it" Momo's dad said.

Then when everyone realised this they calmed down and my mom came upto me and said "so who's the lucky girl?" In a manner trying to embarrass me. But of course I fucked up and said "hah jokes on you it's two girls *kisses Kyoka and Tsu passionately on their lips* and I'm glad that it's these two" I said causing the girls to blush and playfully punch my arms after kissing my cheeks causing me to blush in return.

After everyone calmed down we all went our seperate ways and went back to bed.

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