He sulks when he realizes a lot of these games are fighting games. Rummaging through the collection, Kozume's managed to find a game his mother bought for herself but she never got around to playing it.

A farming simulator game. One that Kozume's only played to kill time.

A smile forms on his face when he stares at the cute box art. He hurries over to his console and inserts the game disc in.

Y/N quietly sits on the floor with a controller in her hands. Kozume joins her side after grabbing a blanket for the two to share.

Thankfully the game allows up to two players so Kozume's also able to distract himself from Kuroo's lack of presence too.

"What game did you pick Kenma?" Y/N looks over to Kozume with a red button nose from her crying. He thought she looked cute and silly at the same time.

"A game where the two of us can be farmers. We could build a barn and manage animals once we get enough funds." Kozume gives some details about the game to Y/N and he hopes she doesn't find it too boring.

Her silence and focused eyes on the screen tells him that she's captivated by the idea.

"Let's make a huge farm with lots of crops. We could also show Kuroo what we built together without him." Y/N's mood brightens incredibly and her perky mood also makes Kozume excited about playing a game like this. Usually he'd much rather battle a boss in chaos mode. But a simple farm game is a nice change of pace.

The two spent hours each day working on their farm together. This is probably the longest time they've spent together and spoken to each other without Kuroo. Y/N warmed up to Kozume over the next few weeks and she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind.

One day specifically, her parents allowed her to have a sleepover at Kozume's place. The two secretly stayed up late when his parents had fallen asleep. They lay on their stomachs with controllers in their hands, eyeing the illuminated television screen in the dark room.

"Did you water the crops already Kenma?" Y/N whispers as softly as she can beside him. Her attempt makes him chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, did you feed Mr. and Mrs. Cow?" Kozume walks his character over to the barn. Y/N panics and rushes her character over to the barn.

"Wait! Don't feed them yet. Let's feed them together." Y/N quietly cries out and Kozume stifles his further chuckling.

"Okay, okay. I won't."

The two share a moment of laughter when they focus on the farm tasks. Neither of them aware of the door that's slowly opening in Kozume's bedroom. Their laughter cuts short when the bright light of the bedroom flicks on.

Kozume and Y/N both lower their controllers. They hesitate to look at the person by the door.

"I thought you two agreed to sleep at 10PM? It's midnight now you two." Kozume's mother stands at the door with her arms crossed but a playful smile on her face. She walks over and turns off the television. The two of them hand her the controllers and shuffle back to their spots. Kozume lays in his bed and Y/N crawls into the futon they laid out on the floor besides Kozume's bed.

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