Fumbling down the stairs as you wrap your robe around yourself you find your mug on the table next to your usual breakfast, an apple and cinnamon toast.

"Good morning D-O" you chirp to your friend as he rolls over nudging his megaphone-shaped head against your legs pushing you towards your chair.

"Another day of playing with robots and ships"

Breakfast. Shower. Dress and go. It was the same every day.

Entering your small shop on the outskirt of town something felt different. Curiously you walk slowly around your shop lightly fingering the dusty electronic pieces scattered on the shelf's and counter. You sense a presence that was unknown.

You usually worked on the droids for the people on Cielo or ships of adventurers and travelers. Cielo was so small everyone always knew when someone had entered the atmosphere but no one had entered recently to your knowledge.

You head to the back room to fetch your tools but as you flip on the light a figure was waiting in the back corner for you. Startled you fell to the floor and started scooting backwards to escape.

"It's alright" the figures voice whispered out to you. "I'm only here for your help".

He stepped out from his corner and removed the hood covering his face. Though he was an intruder he was handsome with his soft curly brown hair and strong features.

"The names Poe" he said reaching a hand out to help you up from the floor. Hesitantly you grab his hand and stagger to your feet.

"H-hi Poe" you managed to stutter out.

"I heard you were the best engineer on... what's this place called?" He asked looking around the room.

You dust off your pants and answer "Cielo. It's called Cielo."

"Ahh. Well it's beautiful but I've never heard of this place. I don't think anyone has" he laughs.

You snatch a tool belt from the table beside him as you stand almost too close chest to chest.

"It's a lovely planet with great people" you snarled at him. It always annoyed you how much everyone talked about how unknown your were, but in all honestly it made the place feel safer knowing it was out of sight for most of the universe. "What do you need my help with anyways" you said looking up into his soft kind eyes.

"I was just above your atmosphere here" he pointed up. "When my ship glitched out or something. I had just enough go to land quietly here and make it to your shop" he said now pointing towards the doors leading to the ship bay. "It was late so I slept in there until daybreak."

"Well let's look at her I guess" you said wrapping your tool belt around your waist and grabbing the data pad next to the two of you. You walked away from him and into the bay seeing his ship waiting for you. Poe trailed behind you as he pushed the buttons to open the ships doors.

The giant door to the bay began to slide open. You could see out if the corner of your eye that Poe's fingers were nervously twitching at the blaster on his hip.

Then there it was. That annoying ringing pain in your head. You began to feel what he was feeling, which was nervous. On edge. It began to make you paranoid even though you knew what was happening.

The friendly mechanical beeps and whirling wheel rolled in through the bay door. You threw your hand pointing in the direction of the doors button and used your mind tricks to push it from far away stopping the door to only be partially open. You could sense Poe didn't want prying eyes peeking on him and his ship.

Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X READER)Where stories live. Discover now