The Horrible beginning

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October 31, 1981

"I've got to go Phoebe , but I'll be right back I promise" my father said while kissing my forehead. I don't know many words due to my age only being 2 but if I could say words I would be asking my dad why he was leaving. Unfortunately him leaving was usual.

Later that night my mother tucked me into bed and I fell into deep sleep. But I was soon awoken by loud crying. "Mama"? She opens my door crying and falls to the floor. "Bye Phoebe mama loves you, you remember that no mater what happens". Why would she be saying bye? Why would I need to remember she loves me?

My question had soon been answered and not in the way I wanted them to. My mother took a knife out of her pocket and brushed it against her throat. The rest was blurry. All I could remember was blood, crying and these people who took me away from my home.

3 weeks later

These people brought me to what the call an orphanage. They said it was for people who parents have died and have no one to take care of them. I was confused when the first said that because I still had my father. But that question was quickly answered. He died too.

For the past weeks I couldn't eat anything my appetite was gone. Even if I was hungery I wouldn't eat. the food at the orphanage was rotten. And soon after I arrived kids started making fun of me because I wasn't eating. " oh do you have a mental problem little phoebe "? I didn't understand what the older kids ment, but I knew it was bad. I hated this orphanage and had to escape.

Being only 2 my walking was descent but I couldn't run much without falling over. But no matter how many times I fall, I have to keep on going. This orphanage sucks and my I knew my mother and father wouldn't want me to be in that orphanage. As soon as it was time to go outside I ran as far as I could way from that place they call an orphanage.

The Story of Bree de poh {a Draco Malfoy Fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz