Dear Fred, Love Angelina

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Dear Fred,

I can't believe I'm sitting here writing this letter to you. Lee told me of the letters that your family are writing, he was quite dismissive of the idea but I convinced him otherwise. I haven't spoken to any of your family since you died, I can't. You were one of my best friends Freddie, we grew up together. You were my first crush and then I got my head screwed on right and realised how much better I could do than you. You were my first kiss and even though you never admitted it I was yours. I loved how we just were, there was no strings, no definition, we just lived. Sometimes as friends, sometimes as more but only when we were very very drunk but it never affected our friendship.
The funny thing for me to think back on is how much of a dick you always were, you would always make fun of Alicia, Katie and I's quidditch skills even though we were far better than you. You would change the shampoo in the showers to dye our hair ginger and then make fun of us for it even though you are the epitome of ginger. You would even tell us the wrong times for quidditch practice.
Then George would step up, he would tell you that I could fly circles around you, he would slip us the counter spell to get rid of the ginger, he would always stand behind you and shake his head when you would tell a lie.
I haven't spoken to George in a year, I don't know if I ever will, I don't know if he will ever talk to any of us again. The only one he talks to is Lee and even then he barely speaks.
I miss you Freddie, I miss you judging all the boys I'd date, I miss you giving me advice on what to wear on those dates, I miss your humour, I just miss you.
I met someone and I know you'd hate him. He's serious and ambitious but I love him, I make him laugh and I loosen him up and you know what, I learnt that from you. How to get through to people with laughter, how to open people up with a smile. You taught me so much and our friendship will truly last forever in my heart.

Love Angelina

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