Dear Fred, Love Charlie

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Dear Fred,

Wow, and everyone thought I'd be the first to die. Yes I said the word, I'm about the only one who can say it. I've moved back home to try and help everyone out but all they do is mope around. I've told them that's not what you would have wanted, I told them that you would want them to be happy, not using your name as an excuse to be miserable. Not blaming their lack of enthusiasm on you. I've said multiple times that it would make you roll in your grave the way they are carrying on but they just don't listen to me.
It's been a year Freddie, sometimes I wake up and don't want to get out of bed but I do, I don't use you to mope and wallow in self pity. I use you to motivate myself, everyday the thought "what would Fred do" passes through my head.
I know your watching over all of us, I can feel you sometimes. When the light shines through the kitchen window when we are having dinner, right over the spot where mom has set an empty place, that's you. When the floorboards creek even though nobody is walking on them, that's you. When I look up at the sky and see the clouds form the letter W, that's you.
I always look at the sky now, it helps me relax. You watch over us so much that I thought I would return the favor and look up to you.
I don't know when I'll go back to Romania, I will eventually, I can't quit my life but right now the family is broken and they need somebody to hold it together.
I named a baby dragon after you, a feisty little thing. It is blazing orange and breaths fire for fun constantly, the boys in Romania say that he is quite the trickster. I definitely choose the right name for him.
I know you would have loved dragons. You never really got a chance to explore and experience things. I know you and George thought the joke shop was the be all and end all but I don't think so. I think if you were still here I could have convinced you to come to Romania with me, see the dragons, experience the heat.
George is coming around but very slowly. He asks about the dragon sometimes, I showed him a picture of it the other days and I seen it hanging up in his room when I passed it a few mornings ago. I will always miss you Freddie and I swear I will fix this family.

Love Charlie

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