Dear Fred, Love Ron

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Dear Fred

Moms making us write these stupid letters to you and she's making sure we did them too. I told her that you wouldn't want us to do homework on your behalf and she just got mad at me so here I am writing this down. I don't know what to say, how am I supposed to talk to someone who isn't here, who is never going to read what I say. Why should I pretend like this is going to help, it's not going to help. It's not going to help with the pain I'm feeling, it's not going to help with the uncontrollable sadness and anger I have every day.
It's been a year Fred, why isn't it getting better. Now look at me I'm talking to you and crying about it, if you were here you'd punch me I swear.
I'm helping George with the joke shop but I hate it, I would never say it out loud but I do. I hate going there it hurts too much, it seems to help everyone else but for me it's hell. Everywhere I look your standing there trying to sell someone another one of your dumb sweets or contraptions. George says he appreciates it but I know he'd rather have you there, I don't get any of his jokes and we aren't as synced as you two are...used to be.
He still sometimes does that thing that yous used to do. Where he starts a joke and you finish it, I think he forgets sometimes, we all do. Some morning I wake up and go down to breakfast only to realize your not there, you're never going to be there.
Harry is staying with us now that he dosen't have to stay with his aunt and uncle. Him and Ginny are driving me insane. The other day Ginny got so mad at me that she threatened to tell you about it, that was the first time I had seen her cry since the funeral.
I wish you could come back, I would eat a spider if I could talk to you one last time, if I could say goodbye. It still haunts me, seeing you there, laughing and joking and then on the ground not moving, not breathing. The only thing that brings me comfort, all of us comfort is that you died doing what you loved, you died laughing. I'll love you forever big bro.

Love Ron

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