Chapter 4: First Lesson - Transfiguration

Start from the beginning

After waking up the female 6th year Slytherin dorm, he had had a tough time to explain a pissed off Snape and McGonagall how he got in there and what he had been doing in the girl's dorm. Because being woken in the middle of the night, they hadn't been in the mood for his antics. Not to mention that they hadn't believed him one word when he told them that Loki had ported him there with a snap of his fingers. He had received two weeks' worth of detention, and the Slytherin girls branded him as a pervert.

The icing on the cake was that he hadn't been able to get back into the Gryffindor rooms either. Because the Fat Lady also hadn't been the slightest bit amused having been woken up in the middle of the night and had outright refused to let him back in.

The Gryffindor's it taught to never piss of Loki and that being on his good side would help them fending off others who thought taking on with them would be a good idea.

They had asked him who he was after the incident because nobody of their age would have been able to pull that stunt, but he only told them to ask the twins. Earlier that morning, they did just that, and with his consent, they informed them. He laughed his ass off upon the sight they gave him upon learning that he was, in fact, the 'Loki, God of mischief and mayhem' while sucking some sweets.

Later, after someone asked, Loki explained that there wasn't a 'Not-to-prank-List' not even for those he considered friends. That came as a blow to Harry and Neville. But he would gladly defend everyone who wasn't on his 'Shit-List', which Ron led with a considerable advance, from bullies and the like. Oh, and he didn't have a problem getting pranked himself which conjured several mischievous smiles, especially from the twins. But overall they liked him and agreed to cover him up when he did something to protect them. Pranks, on the other hand...that depended on who got pranked and what the trick was.

"I don't know, and honestly I don't care," Loki retorted before resuming to his breakfast.

"You ported me right into the 6th year female dorm of Slytherin!"

Some started to snicker, and it seemed Ron was about to explode. At that moment, Professor McGonagall went around and gave them their timetables while giving him a stern glare. Growling, he took his and nearly ran out of the hall.

"Don't you think that this was a bit too much porting him into the female Slytherin dorm?" Harry asked him after McGonagall was out of hearing distance.

"First, he is an imbecile and an ass. He has no basic manners, he rarely takes a bath, so he smells like weeks-old socks. And he is a bully of the worst kind. Did you hear how he had treated that Granger girl yesterday? He is even worse than Malfoy," at the end, Loki growled. "And to my defence, it hadn't been my intention to dump him in a female dorm. I aimed for the Slytherin dorms in general, so it was sheer dumb luck he landed there. Or bad, that depends on who you ask."

Harry looked at him in disbelieve, but several from his house nodded in agreement.

"He is right. Ron wronged Hermione yesterday. I asked her what had happened when I found her crying in our dorm. She told me everything. How he called her a know-it-all and a Mudblood and made jokes on her. It seems he had been very cruel to her," Lavender Brown told them.

At that time, Hermione entered the hall, evidently coming from the library because she had a massive book under her arm. About Norse Mythology? Loki grinned upon which Hermione blushed while she sat down.

"Hermione, I'd like to ask something from you," Loki said, and Hermione nodded. "If that imbecile Weasley ever again bullies you, tell me. I'm fed up with his attitude and its time he learns that he is not at the top of the food chain and can do however he likes."

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