My final Decision

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Dippers pov

When I made it home it was close it midnight. Which mean I've been out for two hours. And even though demons supposedly don't need sleep I was exhausted. While thinking i came to a realization. I'm a demon I can just teleport to my room. But that'd be risky. What if mabel saw me. It wasn't a good idea. But I did need to change. Walking into your house as a demon isn't exactly home etiquette.(Dippers in his dream human form.)  I thought really hard like bill taught me and... there I was I spawned a mirror in front of me. Everything seemed to be in order, the only difference was my eyes were still yellow. In the end I decided to just put in some brown contacts and walked the rest of the way home. I walked for about 10 minutes till the mystery shack came into view I walked to the porch only to get tackled by a crying and worried Mabel. "Dipper where were you I was so worried" the words she said made me feel a number of emotions anger, hate, and sadly pity. All this time Mabel has tried to do nothing but make me forgive her for something she doesn't know she did. But I was her twin what happened to she should trust me not some con man and definitely not someone who spends all their time in a run down basement. Mabel seemed to have saw me wallowed in thought and tried to get my attention. "Dipstick you ok" I looked right at here becoming angry I pushed off of me, but with my upgraded demon strength she went flying against the wall. I just walked upstairs not even caring if she ok or not. I walked in the room me and my "sister" shared got into my pajamas and hopped in my bed . Mabel walked in soon after limping probably from being flung at the wall. She laid in bed and turned over with a grunt. I did the same turning over and drifting away into a deep sleep. Little did I know the horrors that waited for me. I woke up in the mindscape I could tell because of the lack of color. But this wasn't any normal mindscape... it was mine and there at the end of a dark hall way stood a ominous looking metal door. Curiosity instantly struck me with the power of an 18 wheeler. I wanted to know what that door was and why was it some much different than the other doors I thought glancing at the other wooden door that lead to memories. Thinking what could go wrong I crept towards the door despite my brain telling me to do the opposite. My hand reached for the door handle... it was cold like this hasn't been touched in forever. I turned the metal nob opening the door and was met by nothing. Nothing was in the room other than a dim lit light a chair and a TV looking closer I realized that there was someone strapped to the chair. As if my feet had a mind of there own I walked in the room and to whomever was sitting in the chair I walked up and saw what looked like a person their skin was like brick and they seemed to let off a blue luminescent glow. There head was down so I couldn't see there face. But I could here them mumbling something "No... no more make it stop it's not true no more." The being just kept repeating this I looked at the TV and saw Mabel and I as kids she was pushing me around taunting me then it fast forwarded to when we first came to gravity falls and she betrayed me she took me over stan this left a sour taste in my mouth. I turned back to the blue being. Who are you? I asked he flinched a bit like he didn't know I was here at first. "I am Alcor the demon." He was now facing me staring into my very soul. Who did this to you? He smiled at this "You did Dipper you did this to us." Then he started laughing and not like a he heard something funny kind of laugh this laugh had death and despair molded into it. Us? I asked this seemed to only make him laugh louder. Then I noticed something his form was melting like icecream on a hot summer day his form melted and there it was me. I stood the baffled staring at the doppelganger of myself maniacally laughing and screaming "YOU DID THIS. YOU DID THIS. YOU DID THIS." And then... I woke up

God Damn this one seemed a lil spicier than usual but thanks again for all the support I hope whoever is back in school is enjoying it. Let me know are you still virtual or are you in person at school

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