Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Because he would most likely blow up my restaurant if I didn't keep an eye on him?!" Jon shouted with a clear question and 'duh' tone in his voice and throwing both his hand towards the rampaging Fox, who seemed to be tackling, pulling, and hitting the other animatronics in a playful manner.

However, the fox didn't appear to control his strength. Therefore being the cause of Bryan's pain spouts.

"When does Bryan usually get here?" Jon shouted to the acting CEO.

"Around this time so he should be here soon!" Michael replied.

By this time both Micheal and Jon's cars have been placed inside the building. And a replica of Jon, that Bryan assumes is VJ, is knocked out on the main stage.

Baby is underneath a stack of tables that was created haphazardly with Helpy and Happy Frog.

Lefty was being stuffed into the trunk of Michael's car. And lastly Orville and Spring are locked in the storage room with... A Freddy model.

Bryan decided to wait until the crazed fox walked closer to him before jumping on top of him. Effectively bringing the red furball to the ground and knocking him out in the process.

Bryan stood up and brushed himself off before looking around him and saying "Hey guys! How's it hanging?" With a small smile and a wave towards his friends.

"Bryan?!" They all shouted, minus one unconscious VJ and the fox below the manager. Lefty, Orville, and Spring were muffled due to their current situation but none the less surprised.

"Yup, that's my name. Let's get everyone free first before we do anything else please? I really don't like how unstable that stack of tables look." Bryan stated, taking a pocket knife out of his back pocket and cutting the zip ties off of Michael.

Jon went to unlock the storage room whilst Micheal went over to the tumbling tables and Bryan walked over to the cars to free Lefty.

Jon opened the door and the three trapped animatronics made their way with Jon to help Michael move the tables. Bryan examined Lefty's situation and almost started laughing. Lefty was hogtied with iron chains but it was just his stomach that was exposed instead of his back. Lefty lifted his head slightly and looked at Bryan with a agitated gaze.

"Could you get me out of here please?" He asked dully.

"Yeah, yeah" said Bryan, who was trying not to laugh. Bryan unclipped the chains and Lefty climbed out of the trunk.

"So..." Lefty trailed, looking over to Jon and the others who were getting the tables down. "How do you feel about Jon being here?" He asked Bryan.

Bryan pouted his lips and replied, "I'm not really sure just yet, I miss him since he is my friend. But he also let a lunatic run rampant in my restaurant and place vehicles inside said establishment."

Lefty nodded his head, looking towards the explosive furball. "That is completely understandable."

Hey guys! Guaranteed chapter like I promised! Now the reason why I haven't uploaded- so... I have creative writing class. That I write for a lot. So the following was what I was assigned  when I was meaning to upload this. Keep in mind that this has not been completed yet even though I've already summited my assignment.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in a cottage with his stepfather and his stepbrothers. His name was Laurence ‘Cinder’ Charles Fae. Laurence had gained his nickname, Cinder, from his family as he was constantly covered in soot from sleeping in the cinders, as was forced of him by his stepfather. Even though his stepfamily married into his own, they share the same last name as both Fae brothers had fallen for Laurence’s mother. Resulting in Edward Cornelius Fae to take up the opportunity of marrying the widowed love of his life.

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