Chapter 17: Devian

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While Parker and Father Time were talking:
    I had wondered away from Parker's way-too-watchful eyes. In my defense, there was a lovely grandfather clock, that seemed to be calling my name.
   Anyways, as I was looking at the clock, I was surprised to feel a gentle hand suddenly resting on my shoulder.
   "Hey there, Devian!" A familiar voice said, as I slowly turned around. I knew who the owner of that voice was!
    "Silas!" I cried, "what are you doing here?" I had to admit, it was good to see a face that I knew I could trust.
    Silas grinned a rather dazzling movie star-like grin, making me blush. I was not sure how or why Silas had this effect over me.
     Before I continue, In case anyone is wondering, I was not really sure if I was 'attracted' to this guy, or what. However, the one thing that I could tell you, is that whether you were or were NOT attracted to guys, Silas definitely had killer looks!
    "I came to see you, kiddo," Silas answered my question, as he offered me his hand to shake.
"Haha," I chuckled, stiffly shaking Silas' hand, as I struggled to not show my nervousness.
Regrettably, it seemed that nothing could escape Silas' watchful eyes— he noticed that I was nervous, before I had even acknowledged it, myself!
"I just wanted to check up on you," Silas said, his whole demeanor turning serious, "I just wanted to let you know, that the others are soon going to tell, and teach you about your powers. And as soon as they do, you'll be under their complete control," he finished hurriedly.
My stomach did a flip flop, as my nervousness turned to terror. I felt myself internally screaming at Silas to help me. What was I supposed to do!?
"You don't have to worry," Silas said, as if he had read my mind, "I have a plan..."
I felt myself relax just a little. I knew that I could count on Silas!
   "That is really nice to hear," I said, with a relieved smile, "umm... but what is it?"
    "This," Silas said. And in a quick, and almost fluid motion, my friend reached over, and pulled me into a huge hug.
    "Silas!" I gasped in shock, as the wind was knocked right out of my chest.
    "There," Silas said proudly, "now, I will be with you all the time!"
    The smile on my face was quickly replaced by a deadpanned frown... seriously!? A hug! This guy was going to protect me... WITH A HUG!!?
    "You are joking, right Silas?" I asked Silas, who only continued to smile proudly.
    "On the contrary, Dev," Silas winked, "I am not joking."
    My face fell. Just great! "No offense Silas, but this is not some kind of kid's show, where people can save someone with 'hugging power..."
    "I have just placed a Guardian Spell on you," Silas interrupted me.
"Say what, now?"
"A Guardian Spell," Silas repeated, "that way, I can hear what the others are telling and teaching you. And if things start to turn bad, or if you begin to get confused, I can help guide you through what you are supposed to say, as well as what to do." He said the last sentence with pride, as if he had just won an award of some sort.
"Uh. Oh. O-ok...?" In all honesty, I was not exactly sure about how I felt about having a spell on me. Especially one that sounded... invasive...?
"It is not too intrusive," Silas said, seeming to have read my mind yet again, "I promise that I will only enter your mind when you are in desperate need of my assistance. Does that sound fair?"
I offered a small smile to Silas, and nodded my head. "Fair enough... I... think?" I said, the hand of confusion, still holding me back.
    I have to admit it, while I felt that I could trust him, something still felt... off about Silas, but I just could not place my finger on whatever it was. At least he was willing to help me... right?
   "That's more like it," Silas grinned his dazzling movie star grin again, "now listen, make sure that you are always wearing that hour glass locket that I gave to you the other day. If you ever feel threatened, the locket will send a signal to me, and I will come to your aid, okay? But just remember, NO ONE can know about this arrangement, nor can they know about me," Silas concluded.
"Okay," I said, nodded my head again.
With that, Silas waved his hand, and disappeared... like normal.
    Right after Silas disappeared, the twins came up to me, talking with excitement, about a cuckoo clock.
    I was on edge for a moment, thinking that they might have seen Silas. However, with the way that they went on, it became clear me, that they had just missed him.
"DEVIAN!!" I jumped, startled, when Parker's angry voice shouted from somewhere behind me. I guess the twins weren't the ones that I should have been worried about😅
"Parker!" I turned, and came face to face with Parker, and a pimpled teen, who immediately struck me as a familiar face."
"Hello," I said, politely greeting the newcomer. However, the teenager nodded curtly, and brushed past me.
"Aren't people here in such wonderful moods?" I asked Parker, sarcastically.
"Who the heck were you talking to!?"
I winced at Parker's demanding question. I could not tell Parker about Silas, so I went with the first thin that popped into my head— "What do you mean?" I asked, with a shrug of my shoulders.
Parker's eyes suddenly grew wide and desperate, "Devian, please tell me that you saw the mist that was right behind you..." Parker said, his voice almost begging.
I hesitated, before I chose to answer with— "I did not see anything, Parker," I said, trying to sound reassuring.
"But I saw the figure! It was hugging..."
"Parker, maybe you just need a good night's sleep," I interrupted, "I mean... it has been a long day..."
"I am NOT an idiot, Devian!" Parker yelled. I heard the desperation in his voice, and part of me began to wonder if I should tell Parker about my unexpected visit from Silas.
However, just as I was about to say something, Parker spoke again. This time, his voice was calm and even— "look, Dev... just... We need to talk... you are not our long lost brother..."
I was kind of surprised, but then I remembered what Silas had told me earlier. He had been en pointe with that.
   "You are one of us... like Mackie, the twins, and myself," Parker continued, "well... actually, you're stronger than all of us, combined."
   "What do you mean?" I asked, willing Parker to continue explaining.
    "What I mean, is that you get to start training with us... to bring your power out."
     I stared in shock. My heart was beating much too fast, but Silas had warned me about this... Parker was already wanting to control me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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