"Is that what you want"

"Of course Spencie, it's about time you pay for turning my dear Lindsey against me"

"No way am I following you into another sick game"

A gunshot rang through the phone

"The next bullet will be in between Don's eyes. Come find me" she suddenly hung up

"I got a location" Penelope looked at her computer in amazement.

"Wait this was too easy" you slowly got out of your chair "This has to be a trap"

"We can't just keep waiting" Derek looked over to Hotch

"Hotch there has to be more to her plan we can't just go" you tried to fight back

"Let's go" Hotch and the team trailed behind him out the door

You harshly pushed the chair into the table

"Y/n calm down" Spencer began walking towards you

"This is ridiculous Spencer, how can we just go over there... it's a trap" you ran your hands through your hair. Worried of all the possibilities that could go down

"Come here" he wrapped his arms around you "I have outsmarted her before and I will outsmart her again, everything is going to be okay"

Everything will be okay. You repeated those words over and over in your head


"Anything?" you walked over to Emily

"No she won't budge. She wants Spencer to go in unarmed and with no vest. 2 more minutes and she said she will kill the father" she secured her vest

You began to hear Spencer raise his voice at Hotch. You and Emily looked at each other before walking over. Spencer began to take off his vest and un-holstered his gun.

"Hotch let me go in. If I don't go someone will die and it will be my fault"

"I am not letting you go in there unarmed we don't know what she wants" Hotch blocked Spencer from walking into the direction of the building.

"Fine" you watched Spencer furiously shove his vest and gun into Hotch's hand and walk away

"What should we do then" Derek leaned against the SUV

"Cat doesn't just kill anyone without a reason so we don't know that she will shoot" he sighed bringing his hands to his face. Taking in a deep breath.

"Are we really taking that risk?" JJ crossed her arms over her chest

"Either way there is a risk" you sighed turning around to look at the building

But instead you saw Spencer walking towards it. Unarmed. No vest. And no plan.

"Spencer no wait wait" you whispered You out starting to run towards him but you felt an arm hold you back. "Spencer!" You yanked your arm out of their grip and began walking again. "Spencer wait please stop!" but once again you were stopped and this time it was harder to fight back "Let me go stop it!" arms were being wrapped around your waist "Spencer please!" you began to cry out but he kept walking eventually entering through the doorway.

"Y/n you can't go in" you heard Dereks voice beside your ear

He let go of you and you just stood still. It felt like all the air had been sucked out of you. You replayed Spencer's voice in your head

Everything is going to be okay

But it didn't feel like it. The love of your life was in a room with a psychopath who hates his guts. How could anything be okay? You watched as an older man and a young girl step through the doors and began to run away from the building.

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